From the Kitchen of an 86 & 83 year old Couple……

20150427-102647.jpgGotta find a smile, a laugh or chuckle in some of the simple things in life!!!

I am sharing these with you from the kitchen of an 83 & 86 year old couple that are still full of life,

full of advice on how they see things,

who still have a wonderful sense of humor,

who still have smarts and common sense,

who are still full of wisdom and lots of knowledge!!!!


They both do some of the cooking and they both do various things inside and outside of the house to stay active and busy!!!

I found that these made me chuckle so I thought I would share them…..


It was nice to visit and talk with them as they lived during the depression and both of their parents were immigrants that succeeded here in America.  I hope you enjoy these little sayings that I found in their kitchen.

Thank you for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson

Another Day for Positivity……..

Another Day for Positivity………20150426-232038.jpg

Let yourself enjoy life and stress less!!

What’s done is done and in the past…….

Create a positive attitude and atmosphere!!!


Don’t judge others unless you are willing to take a good long look at yourself!!!

YOU are NOT perfect either and have faults of your own just like everyone else!!!!


NO ONE is perfect or has a perfect life and we all have our own struggles.

So why judge someone when we should just accept them for who they are??!?!?!

Isn’t that what we want, don’t we just want everyone else to accept us for who we are?!?!?!


Take each day and find the Positives in Life…….

Take time to appreciate what matters most in your life……..

Take the negatives and choose how to be……..

Take all of the positives and cherish them before they are gone……

Do NOT let the negatives of the past win, accept things for what they are and apologize if necessary……

Kindness can go a long ways…….I hope you ALL have a wonderful Monday!!!! 😃

Thank you for reading my thoughts……….Robin Robinson

Sleepless Nights….Missing My Husband…….


I can’t seem to fall sleep……….Sleepless Nights…….

I have been in Washington State for a little over a week now while my husband and my sons are still in Montana.  I do not sleep well when I do not have my husband by my side no matter where I’m at, I never have.  And then struggling with my emotions this past week has just made my restlessness worse.

Dealing with my mothers side of the family while my Grandmother was passing away was stressful and learning that one of my little brothers passed the night before Grandma slipped away was even harder.  I am strong and can see positives in negatives but yet I have always been highly emotional.


He is my Friend, my Lover, my Companion and the One I Lean on most.

My husband has put up with a lot these past 21 years…..

He has put up with me and my family,

He has supported me regardless in various things,

He has loved me unconditionally,

He has contributed to our wonderful three handsome boys and he is still by my side after all these years…..


To My Husband,

Thank YOU for being the Love of My Life!!!  ❤️ Ya Lots and I may be feeling a little emotional due to lack of sleep and missing you!!!!


I hope that everyone has or has had a special someone in your life that has accepted you for who you are and who has loved you unconditionally.  It is a special feeling to know you are so LOVED!!!

The picture with the word LOVED I took of a ring my husband had made for me when we were in Vegas on Freemont Street this past February.  It brought tears to my eyes and filled my heart with joy!!! 🙂

Thank you for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Despite Lifes Heartaches and Challenges………

Despite the Heartache and Challenges Life throws our way…..we are still here to Live Another Day!!!!


NO Regrets………

Cherish your Loved Ones,

Mend broken Relationships,

Live with Happiness,

Let go of things from the Past,

Allow yourself to Heal and Enjoy the Simple Things in Life!!!!

I hope you ALL have a Wonderful Day!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you for reading my thoughts………Robin Robinson

Dealing with Life……it’s all up to you…….


Being Positive is NOT always easy…..

Being Happy and Putting on a Smile is sometimes hard…..

Trying NOT to Cry doesn’t always work………

Sometimes in Life we have Struggles, we have Loss, we have Everyday Life……..


What matters most is…………

How we take every situation and Learn,

How we ourselves Grow,

How we learn how to Improve,

How we Remember our Loved Ones,

How we Adapt and Figure out how to Keep Going,

How we Move Forward and Deal with every Situation.

Moving forward is very important for our own healing and for others around us!!!

Life’s too short to worry about things we cannot change…

Life’s too short to worry about what others think…..

Life’s too short to get caught up in family feuds and to take sides…..

Life’s to short to hold grudges and to be bitter!!!!

Share your Love with others and allow yourself to be happy!!! 😊

Thanks for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Challenges of Life…….everyday

Be Positive, Be Strong, Be Loving, Be Forgiving……….Challenges in Life are sometimes hard……….


Try to Stay Positive and remind yourself of the good things in Life…..

Even if you are sad it will pass, even if you are angry it will subside, even if you are bitter this too shall pass……….


There’s so much that’s still good in your Life,

There’s still Loved Ones who Care,

There’s still your memories to be cherished to help you smile!!!!


Today is another day and tomorrow will be too……. 😊

Thank you for reading my thoughts………Robin Robinson

Simple Saturday…..Simple Things

Simple Saturday……..Simple things, Simple Acts of Kindness can fill our hearts………


The Simple things can make us smile,

The Simple things can brighten our day,

The Simple things can help lessen our pain and help us get through the day.


The Simple acts of Kindness,

The Simple acts of Compassion,

The Simple acts of Caring,

And The Simple act of Unconditional Love are Priceless and more meaningful than anything money can ever buy!!!


Simple Saturday……….The Choice today is Simple, just enjoy it!!!! Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts………Robin Robinson

Let them know you care………..

For Today, a Beautiful Day……….I want to thank each and every family member and friend for being a part of my life!!! 20150423-074546.jpg

We tend to NOT tell our loved ones, our family and friends often enough how much they mean to us!!

It is usually just a silent assumption that everyone knows we love them and care…….

However, once in awhile it’s nice to hear it or read it…….


Just to know that someone truly cares can mean a lot to our Loved Ones as we never know what they may be going through and they may need a kind word or two, a hug or even a smile………… 😊


We will ALL pass away someday so TELL your loved ones you Love them and Care,

Fix any relationships that are broken or at least try but let them know you Love them before they are gone or before YOU are!!

Life is precious and can be taken at anytime….Live with NO Regrets……….


Please take the time to share the Love that you have within you!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts…….Robin Robinson

The Struggles Within…….

The struggles within……..

The past few days I have seen pain, heartache, resentment, anger, frustration, hurt feelings, pity, sorrow, awkwardness, tension and yet a lot of Love.  I know that letting go and forgiving things from the past is not easy and that it’s easier to hold onto the negatives than release them and move forward…..I know that I have NOT walked in their shoes nor been through or seen what they have but my heart aches for each one of them……….as I am much older than I once was, I look back at the lives of some of my relatives and remember the good times and remember that these emotions have always been present ever since I can remember.

20150422-075324.jpgThere’s a lot of good times that have been had in this family and although time has spread everyone apart it’s nice to see the love and the closeness and the bonds that resume once again despite some of the awkwardness amongst them, the tension and emotions come and go and I can see it as I sit amongst them.

As I sit here I wonder to myself if this reuniting of the family will change anything, will this bring some of the family closer again, will some of the family be able to finally let go of some of their pain, will some of them stay in touch more like a family should, or will it go back to how it was like I’ve seen in other families?!?!?!


It is nice to see the barriers dropping a little……This is NOT about me and NOT about them but rather my Grandmother that is drifting away………..

Please take the time to try and let go of the past, to forgive and to let go of any hurtful emotions…….Life is harder when you stay bitter, the past is done and over with, let your heart heal, mend relationships with loved ones that you still care about before it’s too late……..

Thank you for reading my thoughts…………Robin Robinson

Life…Pause, Remember, be kind and forgiving……..

What another beautiful day it is going to be out…..Sun is shining, the birds are chirping and we have woken up to another day!!


So much stuff happens in our lives and happens within us, within our minds, our bodies and our souls…….

Take some time today to reflect on some of the good things you have in your life, think of some of the good times you have had in the past…….hold onto these good memories, cherish them and the loved ones you have in your life or the loved ones whom you have lost.


Be kind, forgiving and understanding of others that also have their own struggles, their own inner demons that they don’t know how to let go of and that they are dealing with.


One of the important things in life we can do is to CARE, to be there unconditionally and to hopefully help others as well as ourselves learn to let go, heal and be happy!!!


No matter what you or anyone is going through it will be okay…….chin up, deep breath and today is another day!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Simple Pleasures…..Lake Chelan, Washington

Birds are Chirping all around…..the sound of an airplane from above…..the distant roar of a boat engine gliding through the water…….the beautiful silence and trees all around……….this is one of life’s simple pleasures!!!! 😊 How can you be negative and unhappy waking up to scenery and sounds like this every morning?!?!?!?! One day……One day it shall be a more occasional occurrence……


Coffee with a beautiful view………..20150420-084111.jpg

20150420-084119.jpgLake Chelan is a beautiful Lake that I haven’t been to in at least 13 years………I forgot how pretty and soothing it can be………



Thank you for reading my thoughts……..

Robin Robinson

I wish people could move on……that

I wish that some people could move on…….that they could learn to forgive what has happened in the past and move forward.

20150420-232033.jpgLetting go, releasing the negatives……

Letting go of the inner pain and demons that dwell within can help one heal,

Can help them move forward in life instead of being stuck on what happened in the past,

It can make one happier instead of bitter and angry at the world…..


Holding onto all the bad memories is nothing but negativity and can cause so much friction with yourself and/or others that you lose the positives and good things that should be shared in Life.

So many people do NOT realize how badly this affects their lives and the lives of others around them, their friends and loved ones!


You can forgive someone for the past for Yourself, forgiving them of the wrongs, forgiving and accepting what happened because there is nothing that can ever take it back or take it away…….

Forgive, Accept & Move Forward knowing that you can heal from within………


NO ONE is perfect…….

We ALL make mistakes but we ALL have a choice to Let Go of the Past and to make ourselves Happier.

The Only Things in Life YOU can Control is YOU, YOURSELF & YOUR Thoughts!!!!!!!

My thoughts as I see the pain of others and want nothing more than to fix their broken hearts………….

Thank you for reading my thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Good Morning….We ALL have Choices…….


Good Morning…….May you all have a Wonderful Day!!!!

Take a Deep Breath, Smile, keep a Positive Attitude and let the day Begin!!!!!!!!!

Every obstacle can be overcome,

Every negative can be made positive,

Every heartache can be healed.

The Choice is up to YOU!!!!


Good Luck and Thank you for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Life….The Road Goes On…….

20150420-063731.jpgLife……..The Road Goes On……..

Life goes on with or without us.

If more people could learn how to Deal with Situations in a more Positive way, Life would be easier.

If more people could learn to Love Unconditionally, Life would be easier.

If more people could learn how to Let Go of their Pain and Forgive, Life would be easier.

If more people could learn to Open Up and Let Others In, Life would be easier.

If more people could learn How to be Happy, Life would be easier!!

Life….The Road Goes On…..Everyday LIFE continues and it is up to us what we do with it!!!

We all have our own struggles and heartaches……….

Everyone reacts, processes and deals with things differently………

We ALL have ONE thing in common……..


We ALL have CHOICES!!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts……….Robin Robinson

Monday — Choices, Solutions, Letting Go & Being Happy


What a Beautiful start to a Monday!!!

The sun is shining brightly here in my part of beautiful Montana!!!

It’s Monday again and the path is yours to choose…….


It’s a Brand New Day to keep the negatives away!!!!!

Don’t sweat the small stuff!!!!

There will always be problems……

There will always be obstacles to overcome……

There will always be negative people…..

There will always be worries……

There will always be…………….


Embrace the positives in your life and allow yourself to be HAPPY!!!!

Spread Smiles, Laughter and Happiness everywhere you go!!!!!

LIFE Happens and it’s up to YOU how you Live it!!!

The Choice is YOURS to Fail or Succeed…….

The Choice is YOURS to be Positive or Negative……

The Choice is YOURS to Let Go or to Stay Stuck in the Past…….

The Choice is YOURS!!!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!  Thank you for reading my thoughts………Robin Robinson

Life Quotes to think on………..


Just a couple of quotes to think on………..

A simple Box of Crayons……….


The World is still a Beautiful Place……….


Just Be Happy………………….

Sometimes it is just nice to read simple quotes that make you think or look at things differently……Happiness, a Positive Attitude and Happier Surroundings are up to You.

Thank you for reading my thoughts…………Robin Robinson


Be Yourself…..

20150418-071927.jpgSo often we get wrapped up in our daily lives, the lives of others and just wanting to please other people that we forget to be ourselves.

We lose a bit of ourselves because we forget to take the time and make sure that we ourselves are okay and doing what it is that WE want to do.

Are you still working towards your goals and dreams in life, the things that YOU want for yourself?

Be who you are and who you want to be!!!  People will either Support and Encourage you or they won’t but let nothing get in the way of Being You and working towards what YOU want out of Life!!!!  YOU control your Destiny, YOUR Happiness!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Gone but Never Forgotten……

There are times in our lives when our souls are saddened and our hearts are aching!!!  The loss of anyone we love is always a struggle…..the pain and heartache is different for everyone.

20150414-085830.jpgGrieve, Cry, Get Angry…….LET IT OUT!!!!! 

Always remember the good times, the smiles and the laughter……..Remember the reason why they meant so much to you.


They were a part of your life and always will be regardless of when you saw them last, when you spoke to them last or how your relationship was when they passed away!!

Even if you weren’t speaking to one another because of something in the past they still touched a part of you, of your heart and of your soul.  Just because you fight and argue does NOT mean you stopped caring for them……..this is why your loss still hurts so much!!!!  20150414-090018.jpg

They may be gone but they will ALWAYS be in your HEART……….

Your loved one will ALWAYS be with you……….

They will ALWAYS be a part of you!!!

This is meant for Everyone today, for Everyone that is still grieving their loved one.  Just because time passes the hurt is still there.  Time will heal ALL wounds but sometimes it takes longer.  Please take the time to Hug your Loved Ones, to Call Them and Say You Care, Reach Out to Anyone who is struggling and hurting………………..


Remember your Loved Ones with a Happy Smile as you were blessed to have had them in your life……….

Be understanding with yourself and others and know that you are NEVER alone……..

Life can end so abruptly……..

Our Loved Ones may be gone but they will Never be Forgotten!!!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts……….Robin Robinson

Hopes & Dreams….What are you doing to achieve them?


What a Beautiful Day Today is, or can be or will be if you let it!!!!! 

Time to think…………..

What do you dream of?

What are your hopes and dreams?

What is left in your life that is still undone that you’ve always wanted to see or do?


So, what are these dreams for the here and now?

For the next month?

For this next year?

For your future?


After thinking about what you want and when you would like them to happen………

What Have you been doing?

What do you Need to do?

What will help you Succeed?

What is stopping you and getting in the way?

Figure it out!!!!!  Make a list, do what is needed and NEVER give up!!!

Is money part of the problem?  Come up with a solution……….

Do you really need another pair of shoes when you have 10 pair already……..

Do you need to eat out all the time………

Why not buy what you need and not the extra impulsive things!!!!

Maybe every time you go to spend money, think about it……..Do I really need this or do I just want it?


Will this really get used or eaten now or next month?

Is this something needed right now?

Can I make myself a cup of coffee instead of buying one???

Just a thought but maybe set up a jar or container and every time you decide NOT to buy something because you really don’t need it, remember how much it costs.  Take that money even if it’s only $1.75 and put it in a jar as if you did buy it like you normally would have.  Make a goal as to when to get into the money and what you will use it for and you may be surprised how much money you saved by NOT purchasing things you really didn’t need!! 😊

Look to your Future and what you want to do and see………Be Happy, Do Things that Make You Happy…….

Believe it CAN be Done and you shall Succeed!!!  Good Luck on Reaching your Dreams!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts………Robin Robinson