Another Week, YOU can handle anything & Everything…..

Another week is here and it is time to conquer any struggles or fears.  It is time to stop putting off things you know you need to to.  It is time to do whatever it takes to have peace of mind.  It is time to do whatever it takes for your own happiness.


Life is full of surprises.  Each month, each week and each day are all different but you CAN handle anything and everything no matter how hard and difficult they may be.  Just believe on yourself, believe that better things are to come, find the positives within your life, within yourself and within your surroundings.

Life is what you make of it, do not let negatives define you!!!  YOU are far better than that and YOU deserve all that Life has to offer.  Never give up, always push forward and always try to find the positives in every situation.  YOU CAN HANDLE the bumps in the road, I believe in YOU!!  Great Big Hugs & Lotsa Luv from me 2 ALL of U ..  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson

Go to bed with happiness in your heart.

Just a thought….a happy thought or two as bedtime has arrived.  Before you fall fast asleep think of the things that you have within your life to be grateful for….think of the things that make you happy….think of the things that make you smile.  Go to bed with happiness in your heart.


Goodnight to you all and pleasant dreams….. Big Hugs & Lots of Love from me to you…  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Friday Dare…..try to be less negative and more positive….I Dare You!!

Trying to help you start your day off with a Smile and some positive thoughts, plus it being Friday might help too!!  There’s so much negativity and drama constantly surrounding us….but, with the desire for better WE can choose, WE can decide and WE can change some of it little by little within our own lives and the lives of others around us by simply choosing to be happier!!  Ya ya, you may be thinking this sounds impossible, what can you, just one person do? But….ALL things are possible especially as more people join in!!

Would you prefer to contribute and spread negativity, drama, hatred & bitterness or would you prefer to contribute and spread love, smiles, laughter, positivity, encouragement & happiness?!?!  The decision is yours.  Sometimes, despite our right to Freedom of Speech it is better to bite our tongue and take the higher road if we cannot say anything nice, positive and to simply avoid contributing to the negative fuel of others especially those whom will never listen to different points of views objectively.  Sometimes, we should choose to save and share some of our words and thoughts with those we can have a constructive conversation with rather than a destructive one.


Ya ya, blah blah blah…..but, if I can ever make you smile, laugh or feel better about yourself in any way with what I write then that makes me smile and proves one person can make a difference even if only briefly.😃  You never know who’s day you may improve by simply being nice, by simply being positive, by simply sharing a smile with, YOU may be what someone needs to brighten their day!!  Take a chance and try less negativity and drama, try to look for the positives within your life and that surrounds you…..I Dare You!!  You might be surprised at how it improves your Life as well.  Big Hugs & Much Luv 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Good Mood, Smiles & Chipperness….WHY NOT?!?!

GooooooD Morning!!!  GOOD MORNING!!  I’m full of smiles once again and just figured I’d share a Smile 😁or two 😃with YOU!!! 👍  Absolutely NOTHING wrong with being in a good mood, full of smiles and chipper first thing in the morning!!😋

***CAUTION….GOOD MOODS, SMILES, and CHIPPERNESS are also known to annoy some people from time to time!!  Maybe, just maybe YOU are what they need***  BE Happy, BE Yourself, BE Weird from time to time, BE the Sunshine in someone’s Dark Day…….. Life needs more Happiness, Positivity and a bit of Weirdness from time to time!!  May this post find you in a good mood and if not may this post lift your spirits and help you smile.  Life is short, so enjoy it more before it’s too late!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson


Put a Smile on you face, enjoy your day

Good Morning!  Put a smile on your face and enjoy your day!  Make great things happen…experience and try new things…be positive despite any issues that may arise and just enjoy yourself no matter what!!

Your day is only as good as you allow it to be😊…Happiness is a Choice and the Choice is Yours!!  Think good thoughts, think and be positive and positive things will follow.  There is Good in Every Day and there is Good in Your Life every Second of the Day if you just take the time to look and realize how truly blessed you are…..Your Life, Your Choice so why not Choose to Be Happy and to See the Good that Surrounds You?!?!  Good Luck, You Can Do It and I Believe In You!!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts….Robin Robinson

How to be HAPPY, decide…..

HELLO!!!!  GOOOOOD MORNING!!!!  It is yet another day and once again I find myself in a wonderful mood….  Well, at least I think so….  YES, I am in a good mood…..  I think….  I have yet to actually have any human interaction but according to me, I am in a Great Mood!!  LoL  What kind of a mood have you found yourself in this morning?!?!

It is up to YOU to have a good day and up to YOU to decide how life will affect you each and every day…..  So BE Happy, BE in a Good Mood…..Life’s more fun and has a positive affect on you and those around you when you choose to be happier!!  Besides,  it also drives some people crazy!!!  LoL 😜   Hope you ALL have a most wonderful day!!   Hugs and much Luv 2 U All!!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Tuesday Positives for a Good Morning……

Good Tuesday Morning Everyone!!! YOU Can and Will Have A Great Day!! Put Good Thoughts and a Smile On as You go about your day….Believe that Better Things are still ahead in the unknown future despite any setbacks….

Look for the Positives and Good within Your Life….Choose to be Happier with the Blessings You Already Have while working towards more….Never Give Up on Your Hopes & Dreams, set Goals and keep working towards them….Do NOT let the negativity of others ruin Your Day….Choose to Be Happy, to Smile, to Laugh and to Rise Above any Adversities Life throws Your way!! Be Happy my Friends & Family as You Have A Great Day!!! Big Hugs and Lots of Luv 2 U ALL.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Good Days, Bad Days and Everything In-Between

Good Days, Bad Days and Everything In-Between….Some Days are Easy, Some Days are Hard and Some Days are In-Between….

Everyday we have Choices that are not always Simple, not always Easy and not always Understood, but we have Choices….Staying as Positive as you can and having a good Attitude can make the difference between a Good Day and a Bad Day…STAY POSITIVE my Friends no matter what it takes!!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson

Happiness is a Choice…..

Happiness is a Choice….Happiness is a Mindset to see the Good….Happiness makes one Feel Good….Happiness creates Positives….Happiness makes Life Better.
Being Happy isn’t always easy, but Choosing to See the Good within our Lives and Choosing to be Grateful and Learning to Appreciate what Blessings we do have makes being Happy easier!!  Good Morning Everyone Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Good Morning, Despite being way too early……

Despite being wide awake before 5am, Despite tossing and turning and NOT being able to sleep in I am once again in a good mood!!  I finally had enough lying in bed thinking of all the things I need to do, can do and don’t want to do so I decided to just get up anyways!  I am smiling once again as it is yet another day!!😆

I do not know why…I do not know how….I do not fully understand why I am so bright eyed and bushy tailed, full of smiles and so dang chipper 99% of every morning but one thing that does make sense is that I am ME, and I am Meant to Annoy ALL of you that are Grumpy in the mornings, Grumpy during the Day and maybe just maybe I am here to Brighten Someone’s Day once in awhile!!👍😉GOOD MORNING Everyone!!!  Hope you have a wonderful day followed by a nice relaxing evening before you have to start the work week once again!!  Hugs & Luv 2 U ALL  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Be Happy Now….don’t wait

Happy Happy Happy….why not be Happy, why not Smile, why not enjoy Life a little more?!?!?!

I for one cannot help myself……I do my best to be Happy Everyday….I would rather annoy everyone by being Happy, Goofy, Odd, Chipper and Silly than get through Life Miserable and Negative!!  Things happen in our Lives everyday but it is up to each and every one of us to Rise above and to Choose how it will affect us…..we cannot control everything that happens within our lives, negatives happen more often than not but we CAN control ourselves and our attitudes…..BE HAPPY NOW, don’t wait!!!😃  Sending you ALL a great big Smile for a Happier Day!!! Hugs and Luv 2 U ALL  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Nothing is Guaranteed but We ALL Deserve Happiness……

MORNING….MORNING…..GOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!  As I have been sitting here in silence, watching the tree branches slightly swaying in the early morning breeze and enjoying the beautiful view from inside my living room (36* out brrrrrr)……I cannot help but be grateful for yet another day!!!  We are ALL in different places in our lives and we ALL have our own challenges and responsibilities and we are ALL different…….but we ALL deserve Happiness and we ALL have much to be Grateful for if we just look around and realize our blessings instead of looking at the negatives and what we don’t have. Things could always be worse, there’s always someone else worse off than us……..don’t get stuck in Negativity or Jealousy but rather rise above, find the Happiness within you, there’s so much to be grateful for each and every day!!  We are ALL blessed differently but again today we have ALL awoken to yet another day…….Count Your Blessings, Be Happy, have No REGRETS and Have A Great Day!!!😊  Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Sunrise and Happiness, are you Happy?

What a beautiful sunrise this morning.Calmness with no breeze and no noises whatsoever………

We are all in different places within our lives but yet no matter where we are, who we are or what we are going through, we all just want and deserve to be Happy!! Look around you and Look within yourself…..there are so many big and little blessings to be grateful for, there are so many things and people that we take for granted everyday that we often get consumed in the negativities or what we don’t have instead! Realize your blessings (i.e. you have friends and family that love and care about you, you have a job or source of income, you have food to eat, you have your health, you have awoken once again, etc.), as there is ALWAYS others worse off than you .Happiness comes from within, Happiness is a choice and Happiness with a smile isn’t always easy….but HAPPINESS makes everyday life easier!! I want nothing less than for every one of you to find Happiness within yourselves and within your everyday lives!!!! 😊Sending you all a great big smile😃, lots of luv💖, and a great big cyber hug!!!! Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Good Night and Be Thankful….

Goodnight Everyone….

May you all have a wonderfully peaceful nights rest.


Think of all the positive things in your life.

You are blessed more than you may realize……


What are your Hopes & Dreams….

What are you Appreciative Of…..

What are you Blessed With…..

What or who makes you Happy?!?!


These are what you should take to bed with you,

these are what you should be dreaming of……..

Goodnight and pleasant dreams!!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson