Nothing is Guaranteed but We ALL Deserve Happiness……

MORNING….MORNING…..GOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!  As I have been sitting here in silence, watching the tree branches slightly swaying in the early morning breeze and enjoying the beautiful view from inside my living room (36* out brrrrrr)……I cannot help but be grateful for yet another day!!!  We are ALL in different places in our lives and we ALL have our own challenges and responsibilities and we are ALL different…….but we ALL deserve Happiness and we ALL have much to be Grateful for if we just look around and realize our blessings instead of looking at the negatives and what we don’t have. Things could always be worse, there’s always someone else worse off than us……..don’t get stuck in Negativity or Jealousy but rather rise above, find the Happiness within you, there’s so much to be grateful for each and every day!!  We are ALL blessed differently but again today we have ALL awoken to yet another day…….Count Your Blessings, Be Happy, have No REGRETS and Have A Great Day!!!😊  Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Happiness comes from within

–Oh the happiness that comes from within…….  
–Sometimes Happiness is hidden and we have to work on letting go of negativity, letting go of of our troubles and the pain that lies within. 

 –Sometimes Happiness is shown in spurts, here and there through our fake smiles that want to be happy but are just hiding all the pain from within. 

 –Sometimes Happiness is just natural and constantly showing because we have accepted who we are, accepted the past and decided that life’s too short and we cannot control anything but ourselves. 

 –Sometimes Happiness is just overflowing and showing in our grin from ear to ear, shown in our attitudes towards life and people because we have happy hearts, so much excitement ahead and so many things to be grateful for that we forget about any of our worries and troubles that we have left behind!!  

 –Happiness lies within YOU so learn to do whatever it takes to help yourself be Happy, you deserve it!! Sending you all wonderful thoughts and smiles for Happiness!! Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson