
Picturesque…  A picture from inside a living room looking out what appears to be a  “picture window”, but yet, it is just the living room window.  The sun was just starting to 20180402_1836597936752566796207449.jpgset and highlighted the view as the shadows were forming.  Just thought I would share some beauty… Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.  Beauty constantly surrounds us.  If you stop and take a look around you may be surprised at what you actually see once you stop long enough to look.  To look and to count your blessings.  May you all find and see the beauty that surrounds you.  Hugs and Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

we ALL make mistakes……

We all make mistakes…..good mistakes, bad mistakes and everything in between.  Mistakes happen everyday, trust me I’m full of them!!  These mistakes as simple or complicated as they may be do not mean you or someone else is a bad person.  It simply means that you/they are human and mistakes are bound to happen from time to time.  Just take a deep breath, exhale and then let it out…. Laugh, cry or even scream for a minute or two and then…. Deep breath, exhale and if it isn’t a good mistake start thinking of a solution and how to correct it!!


Do NOT dwell on something that cannot be undone, it is a Mistake.  There’s always a solution or a different way to look at the mistake…….it’s okay, worse case scenario you/they know exactly what NOT to do again and it’ll make for a great story and laughs at some point later down the road!!  Although, sometimes I swear it’s Dejavu and something I’ve already done once before…….mistakes happen, don’t be too hard on yourself or others and look at the bright side… could always be worse!!  Way Worse!!  LoL  Hope you have a wonderful non-bad mistake kind of day!! Big Hugs & Much Luv from me 2 U – Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Nothing is Guaranteed but We ALL Deserve Happiness……

MORNING….MORNING…..GOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!  As I have been sitting here in silence, watching the tree branches slightly swaying in the early morning breeze and enjoying the beautiful view from inside my living room (36* out brrrrrr)……I cannot help but be grateful for yet another day!!!  We are ALL in different places in our lives and we ALL have our own challenges and responsibilities and we are ALL different…….but we ALL deserve Happiness and we ALL have much to be Grateful for if we just look around and realize our blessings instead of looking at the negatives and what we don’t have. Things could always be worse, there’s always someone else worse off than us……..don’t get stuck in Negativity or Jealousy but rather rise above, find the Happiness within you, there’s so much to be grateful for each and every day!!  We are ALL blessed differently but again today we have ALL awoken to yet another day…….Count Your Blessings, Be Happy, have No REGRETS and Have A Great Day!!!😊  Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Wednesday Morning….don’t stay stuck, make everyday count!!!

Good morning and Hello to another Wednesday!!! Just sitting on the back patio, enjoying the beautiful sunshine with my laptop, phone and cup of coffee with the music playing in the background.     I know that sometimes it’s hard to be Happy, it’s hard to be Positive and sometimes it’s just hard to be thankful but YOU can do it!!! YOU can pull yourself up and out of your slump as YOU deserve better!!!

Everything in Life is temporary…….we ALL have ups and downs…..we are ALL perfect in our own imperfections. This is what makes us who we are!!! 😊 

  It is up to US, up to YOU, up to ME as individuals to create our own Happiness, our own Unique Destinies…….Life is what YOU make of it through both the good and bad times. Do NOT dwell on the negatives, do NOT dwell on the Past but rather embrace every single thing you’ve been through, embrace the negatives and turn them into positives……find the GOOD in everything and leave the bitter negatives behind you!! Make today and every day count, for yourself, for your loved ones, for your future, for your Happiness & Sanity!!! Sending you all a great big Smile and rays of sunshine!!! Hello Wednesday!!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Happy 4th of July, 2016

Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Make today a wonderful Independence Day……while enjoying yourself please do not forget to pause and take a few moments to remember why we are celebrating. 

Thank you to ALL of the men and women past and present whom have served in any form to protect our rights, our Freedoms…….

Happy 4th of July may you all realize how truly blessed we all are!!  This 4th of July my husband and I are celebrating with a couple less as two of our sons are in the Military.  One is a Marine while our baby is currently in Navy Bootcamp……so hug your loved ones tight and appreciate everything that you have!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson

Time Always Passes…..

Time always passes!!  Time usually passes way quicker than we’d like…….So why NOT try to make the best of every moment that you have?!?!?!?!  Be and Do what makes you happy, enjoy and cherish every moment that you have, remember that you are blessed with so many things and STOP taking life and your loved ones for granted….love them, cherish them and tell them you love them before it’s too late!!!IMG_4400
I am once again having a cup of coffee while enjoying the birds, the sunshine and my beautiful surroundings and thinking of all of you, my friends & family…..sending you all much LOVE from Mesquite and may you all have a wonderful day and week!!! 😊 Thanks for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson

Winter Time Blessings

As today is yet another day I cannot help but reflect on the many Blessings I have within my life!!  

The Blessings for us ALL will vary greatly…but BEYOND any words that can ever be written or spoken what one feels and knows from within is where our True Blessings lie, our Blessings are forever embedded and felt in our hearts!! 

No Matter what you have going on in your life or how bad you think things may be…..please take a moment to think and feel your Blessings as there is always someone somewhere battling something far greater than you!

YOU..ME..WE..are all Truly Blessed in our own ways!! 

Be KIND, share a SMILE or a LAUGH, have COMPASSION and share UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE!! You never know what someone is going through or what challenges they have endured….. 

Sending you ALL the Best Wishes that I can….the Biggest Hugs Possible….the Great Big Smile that you may need….and most Importantly, Sending you All of My Love for a better today, tomorrow and every day!! 

Luv to you ALL……Thanks for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson

Oct. 4, 2015 – Road Trip & Blessings

On the road bright and early this morning!! Out the door before 6am, darkness everywhere and 43 degrees.  A little over an hour has passed and the sun is slowly rising showing us the clouds in the sky. 

The excitement and anticipation of is overwhelming! We will soon be seeing our middle son after 13 weeks of snail mail being the only form of contact while he’s in Marine Bootcamp.  Today is his 19th Birthday, the first birthday we are not all together!! Happy Birthday son we will see you in 4 days!!!

My husband, our youngest son and myself are heading to Mesquite, NV for a few nights then on to San Diego for Family Day and Graduation!!! I cannot wait to see my newly transformed Marine and give him a great big hug!!!  This momma misses his smile, his cocky attitude and the way he makes me laugh!!  Children are such blessings, then they grow up and we have to let go while they become young adults.  Hug and tell you loved ones that You Love Them!!! Thanks for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson


Weekend Blessings

Weekend Blessings…..just feeling blessed, happy and grateful this beautiful day!!  
😊 Count your blessings not your problems! Be thankful Everyday…Everyday!!! 😃 Hope you are all having a great weekend!!  
Hugs, Smiles & Love being sent from me to all of you!!Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Goodnight….with a grateful heart

Goodnight my Family & Friends…….be grateful. Do NOT go to bed sad or angry, despite what you may be going through go to bed thinking about all of the blessings you have.  

Go to bed with happiness in your heart…..learn to heal and let go of your painful past…..learn to let go and open up more room for others…..learn to open up and be honest about your troubles and feelings…..learn to be honest with yourself and others…..learn how to live today and not in the past.   

 Never give up, never lose hope…..believe in yourself and your abilities!!! YOU are better than you think you are……accept that YOU are awesome!!!!!! 

 Count your blessings when you go to bed, when you wake up, when you need a pick me up throughout the day!! It is the simple things to be grateful for that make the difference in you day!! So go to bed with happiness in your heart, a smile on your face and the satisfaction knowing you are blessed and you are loved!!! 

 Goodnight my friends and family!!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts……….Robin Robinson

Happy Wednesday…..Important People in Your Life

Happy Wednesday!! YOU are Important but you are NOT the only one important in your life!!!

Your friends & family………Your loved ones are important too!!!


Although we need to be Happy for Ourselves,20150408-093216.jpg

Life is SO much easier with our Loved Ones to lean on,

To help us when we need Lifted Up!!!

Give Your Loves Ones a Hug, A Smile….

tell them that they DO matter and you appreciate having them in your life!!!

Your Loved Ones may need an extra boost today and YOU may be just what they need!!!

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Make someone Smile…’s the little things in life that matter the most!!!!!

To ALL of my Family and Friends regardless of where you are, I Love You and appreciate Every single one of you!!! I hope you ALL have a wonderful day!!!!

Thank you for reading my thoughts…….Robin Robinson