Another Week…..Another Day……

Another week has come and gone…..with each week and day we have both good and bad……

Look ahead, learn from what you’ve been through, grow and move on!! Concentrate on the positives in life, work on your goals, work on yourself by being and doing better!! 😊

Keep your Chin Up, Smile & Be Positive!! Remember that YOU and others are just human and mistakes happen!!! Good Luck and have a wonderful Day that will turn into tomorrow and even into next week so make the best of Every Situation!


Take a DEEP Breath, Smile and….

What a Beautiful Day with the sun shining so brightly……..Take a DEEP Breath, Smile and Slowly Exhale while thinking of the positives you have in your life!!

Remember this Happy Feeling while you get through the day and repeat as necessary to calm yourself!!!!

Have a Wonderful Day!!!! 😃
Robin Robinson


Confusion…Mid-Life Crisis, Empty Nesting?!?!?!

I am not exactly sure why I am writing and sharing this but I feel compelled, almost like looking for advice, clarity or someone to help me better understand and transition into a more simple life……..or maybe by sharing it’ll just help me!! Is this the start of a Mid-Life Crisis or Empty Nesting?!?!

My husband is 42 and I am 39, we have been married for 21 years. We have 3 sons, our oldest just decided that college may not be for him after 2 years and is now trying out the real world, our middle son graduates this year and heads into the Marines in July and our youngest graduates in 2 1/2 years and plans on going into the military after graduation. Ages 20, 18 & 16….throughout our 21 years of marriage we have maybe 5 years of just US (our little family) and not extra kids and/or adults living with us…..we both like to help others and be there for them but my husband is fed up and ready for it to be just the 2 of us!!!

My husband had somewhat of a mental breakdown a couple of years ago…..he has always worked hard and even worked harder than most to provide for his family (refusing to take handouts or live off of the system). Even though times have not always been easy I have always been able to stay home with the kids and then as they have gotten older it allowed me freedom to do an odd job here and there for something to do but NOT a necessity.

We had a great big 5 bedroom house with a large garage/barn and property, vehicles, toys and lots of bills. With his breakdown came changes….he has needed to simplify his life as he cannot handle all the stress, commitments & extra responsibilities (trust me, it’s better for all of us)! Last fall we moved into a small 3 bedroom home with tiny back yard and maybe an 1/8th of the things we use to have!! (It wasn’t easy for me, we built that house and I loved it!!! I get emotional and attached but I have learned how to let stuff go as it’s who we have in our lives that matters and NOT what we have!! Still I have struggles and battles with myself!!) I have learned that it is nice to have a smaller place as I can clean the whole house in 1/2 a day instead of several days but now have a ton if time on my hands!!

My husband is ready to hit the open road, he wants to travel, be free, leave everything behind and especially get out of the colder weather so we can ride the motorcycles & golf year round! Yes, I too would like to enjoy these things but we argue (not really fight but bicker) about this as we still have responsibilities….we still have teenagers at home!! He’s planning for the now & our future and I am more stuck in the here and now…..I am mom, I have kids to still take care of and help guide………maybe I am just a little scared that they may not need me anymore!! I have always dreamed of having my kids, grandkids and gatherings at our home, I love to cook and be here for our loved ones, I tend to be the one guiding and giving advice (including with my mother and others that are both younger and older than me….Some, I think I should be going to for guidance but instead they come to me)………how can I do all of this if we do not have a home and are just traveling or get into a small 1 or 2 bedroom place?!?! I want the best of both worlds and am battling myself from within on how to deal and cope with all these changes!!!

How do I learn to let Everything GO and focus solely on my husband and myself?? I have been doing a lot of soul searching to remember who I use to be, to see where some of my issues stem from, to see what I want out if life and to see what has changed and what I need to work on to be happier and myself again!!! I’ve been nurturing and taking care of others which includes my mother and brother (8yrs younger than me) since I was about 9 years old!!! Don’t get me wrong, I Love my Mother and am who I am because of what I have been through in my life but I don’t know how to let go and NOT worry, nurture or want to take care of others or try to fix problems!!! I do know that my husband has been put on the back burner more than he should and I am really trying hard to put him ahead again like before we had kids as well as myself!!! Somehow I have managed to lose touch with myself!! Baby steps towards progress and I’m truly trying, everyday!!

I love traveling with my husband regardless if it’s by plane, motorhome or by bike (I ride behind him as I’m still learning to ride by myself)!! It is very different by bike…..we have both learned this!! It is a type of freedom, as if the whole world slows down just for us!! We ride on roads we have been on many times but by bike it’s like taking it for the first time….we see, we enjoy and cherish everything more!!! We talk about taking trips through several states and maybe all the way to Costa Rica and what we want to see……but yet I’m torn about leaving the kids alone for too long!!! Yes, they can cook, clean & take care of themselves but I partially feel as though we are abandoning them when we are gone for a week or two let alone an entire month!! After July it will be just out youngest, he will be 17 and a Junior but is it fair to leave him for 1-3 weeks alone? We have never left the boys this long by themselves let alone just one by himself…..the mother in me says HELL NO but yet he is old enough to be on his own….they all are!! My husband and I were both already on our own when we met at 18 & 20 then married exactly 6 months later and had our oldest son 7 months after that……my boys are NOT babies but yet they are my babies!!!

I am sorry about writing a short novel and I have tried to make it as simple and to the point but I have so much random stuff going on inside it’s hard to know where to start or what to share!! Am I the only one going through this or is this normal? Does anyone have any advice? Is there a trick to making the transition easier to let things go? Am I just starting to Empty Nest or am I starting to go through a mid-life crisis or my husband, maybe it’s both of us??!?!?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this…sincerely & confused, Robin Robinson

Everyday Tests……Learn….Believe

Everyday Tests Who we are….Who we have become…..Who we strive to be and Who we will be!!!

Learn from EVERY situation Good or Bad and always rise above!! Do NOT dwell on what cannot be undone but focus on what has yet to be!!!

Believe in yourself -and that you have the ability to make Positive changes in YOURSELF as well as others by being YOU!!! Hope you have a Wonderful Day!!
Robin Robinson 😊


Steps….Forward and Backwards….Don’t Get Discouraged!!!

One Step Forward….Two or Three Steps Back!!! Don’t get Discouraged!! It’s bound to happen sooner or later or even more often than not!!!

You CANNOT be perfect!!! Yes…..Practice Makes Perfect but NO-ONE is Perfect!!! Remember this always!!!

Look at the Bigger Picture of WHAT you are Trying to Accomplish and what you are trying to Work Towards…..let THIS motivate you in the RIGHT Direction!!! Good Luck and keep moving forward! 😀


Time Passes but it’s NEVER Too Late for…..

Where has the time gone?!?! Your Happiness is up to YOU!!! Be Positive, Believe In Yourself and Never Give Up!!! Believe that you have the ability to make Changes!!

Changes as simple as Smiling more, Complaining Less and Doing something to Improve Yourself!!!

Enjoy the time you have with Loved Ones, BE Grateful for what you have in Life and Appreciate that you have woke up yet again to another day that allows you to share Happiness!!

This gives you the ability to work on fixing any wrongs, you have the chance to mend relationships, and you have the opportunity to forgive what has happened in the past which will help you heal and move on in a more Positive Direction!

Please Have A Wonderful Day and Share A Smile!!
Robin Robinson

Missing Warmth & The Open Road

It’s mid January here in Montana and we’ve had a couple of teaser warm days!! Today is 68 degrees out!! I miss riding with my husband and others!!! Below are just a few pictures from last year from our rides around Montana!!! I hope you enjoy them!!! Happy riding to you all and I cannot wait for my next adventure!!!















Work towards something…..It’s NEVER too late!!

Is there something you are still working towards? Such as something you’ve always wanted to do, goals for yourself or a place you’ve always wanted to go?

If you answer YES…….Do NOT let life discourage you in any way!! If you believe in yourself, pick yourself up when life knocks you down and if you choose to succeed you WILL!!!!

If you answer NO…….why not?!?? Why not have something to look forward to and to work towards for yourself? Why let words, people and your worst enemy (your negative thoughts) get in the way!!

In LIFE……”The ONLY thing you can control, is YOURSELF!” So pick yourself UP, change your way of THINKING and strive to SUCCEED!!!!!

😃 I myself am working on many things but most importantly I am striving for a Better Me!! Physically, Mentally & Spiritually and am already feeling better about life as somewhere over the past 21 years of marriage and raising kids I have lost myself!! It’s never too late for change!!!

😃 Have a most wonderful day!!!!!


NEGATIVES can turn POSITIVE….Seahawks vs. Packers 1/18/15

This was shared with me from Craigslist-Seattle….brought me to tears , so heart-warming and proves that NEGATIVES can turn into POSITIVES with the right attitude and outlook on life at any age!!!! Thank you Sir for sharing this with the World!!!!
Below is the exact post from under Rants that I have copied & pasted. I have NOT altered it in any way!!! Please enjoy!!

Posted: 10 hours ago
Thank You Seattle from a Packer Fan – 55 (Orlando)

age : 55

First of all what a great game yesterday. Both teams had their ups and downs and as a Packer fan I must say the end was not what I expected. The reason I am posting today is to let others know of the kindness shared to my 10 year old son by a 12 year old girl from Seattle at the game . My son lost his best friend in the world last week after a short illness. He grew up with Boo from about one year old. Boo was my sons dog, his best friend, the one who played with him, shared most all home meals with him and loved him no matter what. About 3 months ago Boo was just not himself and after a vet visit we all learned his time on earth was very short. Well Boo went to dog heaven last week and my son knew for the first time in his short life the feeling of losing someone you love. I was lost as how to help him heal , and out of no where a dear friend offered us two tickets to the game in Seattle. I got the tickets, bought the plane tickets and called a friend of mine in Seattle to see if we could bunk for the weekend. All was ready so I told my son. He was very excited and for a minute seemed to be doing better. Off we went and boy what a great time we had. Seattle is such a wonderful city and to see our much loved Packers play could it get any better. Sunday arrived and off we went to the game. Great seats, loud, exciting, nothing better then this I thought. We were seated next to a large family of Seattle fans so what joy we were having kidding them as our Packers run off to a lead. My son was sitting right next to a young girl of 12. They talked and seemed to be having a great time. Well we all know that the Packers played a great game but a win was not to be had. After Seattle scored in overtime I noticed the young girl was crying and still sitting in her seat. Her father talked to her and gave her a hug. When we were leaving I asked the father if the girl was crying for joy by the win and to my shock he told me no, she was crying because she wanted the Packers to win because she knew my son had lost his bog and she thought he needed this more then she did. I kept this to myself on the flight home. While my son was having our dinner meal he looked at me and said he was glad that Seattle had won. I was surprised and ask him why. He looked at me and told me the girl sitting next to him had lost her cat to a bog attack only the day before and he wanted her to have something to help her feel better. Football will never be the same to me. So Thank You Seattle for the great game, and Thank You God for putting so mush love for others to these two young people. Wishing Seattle only the very best but know the Pack Will Be Back!!!!!!!!


Monday, an opportunity…..

Monday, an opportunity…..but only if you let it be!!!

Wakey Wakey……I know everyone would rather stay under the covers but it’s Monday and time for great things!!!

Mondays are usually just a normal day times 3 so be nice, patient and understanding…..remember that when someone is being grumpy, rude or disrespectful it has NOTHING to do with you, it has everything to do with themselves.

Take the opportunity to be kind, you may not know what their issue is but maybe you can make them smile, make them laugh or maybe even be in a better mood all because you were nice, kind and patient with them!!!

Sometimes, all one needs is just a little bit of kindness!!! A smile and niceness can go a long way!!!

Happy Monday, Robin


Be As Good As You Can Be……

Be as good as you can BE and always strive to BE and DO better for yourself strive to let go of the past and any negatives……

Today is another day for positive thoughts, positive beginnings, positive changes, positive progress on everything from attitude to goals!!!

Let the negatives, let the past, let your troubles and worries stay behind and float away as today and what lies ahead are the only things that should matter!! The future holds many wonderful times and adventures that are yet to be…… control yourself, your attitude and your future!!! The BEST is yet to come…….😊


Friday….Move On, Love & Be Happy

It’s Friday already…..forget about the worries from earlier in the week, look to the unknown of today and this weekend!!!

Enjoy your family, friends & loved ones…….hold them tight, give them hugs, make them feel special and let them know you love them!!!

You never ever know when it may be the last time, the last chance, your last moments together!!


Just A Winter Day in Montana

It is time I get back to sharing some of my picture & adventures again.  I was bored and felt the need to get outside even though the temperature was 20 degrees, it’s been snowing off and on with some fog and it was just about dusk!


Driving down an old dirt road towards the river I couldn’t help but go slow and roll my window down to admire the beauty and snap a few pictures of the cows. They seemed curious about me as I stopped and talked with them.


The river is always beautiful. I cannot help but take pictures of the snow, ice, water and even the trees and blades of brown grass with the river in the background.

IMG_0178 IMG_0192IMG_0197

It is so quiet and peaceful out here by myself……a calming feeling. I sure love being able to enjoy the great outdoors anytime I want.  Montana sure is a beautiful state!!


IMG_0196   IMG_0188 IMG_0180                                                                                              I hope you have enjoyed these few pictures of my piece of Heaven here in Montana. As you can see from a couple of the pictures it will soon be calving season!

The END….hehehe, couldn’t resist this last picture!!


Another Day…….Goal(s)

CONGRATULATIONS to us ALL!!!! 🎉 We’ve survived…today is another day so make it count!!! Do something for Yourself!!!

Take today to make a New Goal or to re-evaluate your Goals if you haven’t done so recently. You’re never too old and it’s never too late!!

Maybe a GOAL for ……
Eating healthier,
Doing one thing within a year that you’ve always wanted to do,
Pampering yourself once every couple of months,
Make amends with a loved one,
Taking a specific trip,
Learn how to dance…..

Big or small you can succeed!! Short term or long term!! If it’s a Long Term Goal set smaller ones to work towards reaching the Long Term Goal (ie….save $50-$100 each month by eating out less to save $500 for a trip). By setting Short Term Goals along the way it can help keep you motivated with your success for your Long Term Goal(s)!!

The possibilities are endless but by having at least one GOAL you have something to work towards, to look forward to for YOURSELF!! Even if it’s just the satisfaction internally that you’ve succeeded and it isn’t something anyone else can see!!!

GOOD LUCK!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!😊
