9-8-17 Worldwide Tragedies – Greatfulness yet a Saddened Heart – Prayers for all

I sit here on my back patio in Nevada with a grateful, yet saddened heart I feel guilty and cannot help but think, wonder, worry & scratch my head at everything that is happening all around.  I am able to sit here enjoying the beauty, the peace, the quietness and the calmness that is here as so many others cannot.  I have been through the fires that burn in Montana, I have lived through it and seen it firsthand.  We just recently drove through Montana as we were visiting and it breaks my heart to NOT see the beautiful mountains, to see all the people being affected by both the fires themselves and the smoke that surrounds so many including those not in the fires path and beyond.  We had smoke from many fires consuming the air from North Dakota to Montana and then from Montana all the way past Salt Lake City before we could no longer smell the smoke and finally got to see some beautiful blue skies.


I do not have to worry…..

I do not have to worry about the fires getting too close or the smoke inhibiting me breathing cleaner air….

I do not have to worry about my house and belongings being flooded and ruined by all the flood waters……

I do not have to worry about the hurricanes and the destruction they bring with them…..

I do not have to worry about the Tsunamis that may be showing up due to earthquakes…..

I do not have to worry like so many others do around the world…….

I am grateful to be where I am at yet deeply saddened…..  So, today and everyday when you find yourself complaining, when you find yourself upset, when you find yourself wishing you had more “things”, when you find yourself feeling as though things couldn’t possibly be any worse…..  Remember, they actually could be a LOT worse and remember that someone somewhere is dealing with more.  So, try to appreciate what you have and be grateful more……

My Thought and Prayers to EVERYONE being affected.  Big Hugs & Much Luv from me to you as today is yet another day and we all have much to be grateful for……  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Smoke covered mountains brings sadness….

Yuck yuck yuck is what I have to say!!! Been lucky enough while staying in Polson, MT and on Flathead Lake but yesterday afternoon the smoke started to really get thick, started to really hide the beautiful mountains and islands and the smell has become stronger too!!! 😞  

 This morning appears to be a little worse!!! It is so saddening the mount of fires we have going on right now on our end of the U.S.  These pictures should have beautiful majestic mountains in the background!!!  I took these at 6:30am.

   A great BIG THANK YOU to ALL the men and woman whom are fighting the fires, whom are cooking for the firefighters, whom are dropping retardant, whom are working hard to help in many ways……..too ALL involved!!! Please stay safe!!!                           
I know that many people understand the difficulties we have with our forests and NOT being able to log, maintain, create jobs and to protect our resources but yet many people do NOT understand.  If you are torn or not sure or even if you think you know about our forests and people wanting to preserve them do some research…..pros and cons from ALL sides and make an informed decision for yourself and NOT based on what others say and think it even what the news is telling you!!  Until you live in these fire burning areas, until you know and talk with loggers, forest service men & woman you may NOT really know the whole truth!!  

In my opinion…..I want to save our forests and NOT have these mass explosive fires as we do and some of it can be prevented or at least easier to maintain if loggers were allowed to cut down the “dead standing timber (trees)”.  The wood can be used for so many things.  I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone but to ALL those against and especially the Political people on the other side of the country whom have NEVER lived, breathed or been witness to the heartbreaks, loss and devistation……I encourage you to come and be witness in person, live in the smoke ridden areas for awhile, talk to the locals and try to get a better understanding of what logging our forests is really about!!  We can save and preserve better by logging than doing nothing and letting it all burn!!!  Sorry, my small rant is over.  Please be safe and thank a firefighter, fire-worker, a police officer anyone and everyone involved and let them know they are appreciated because some day you may need them!! 

Thanks for reading my thoughts…….Robin Robinson