You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You can and you will handle whatever life throws your way because your inner self is stronger than you realize.

We all have struggles of varying degrees but we all have the strength within us to get through them, to adapt, to endure and to lean on others when needed.

img_20180525_073006_9757878908451842070942.jpgIt’s ok to feel broken, to breakdown and cry.  But, do not dwell on the negatives, do not let sorrow consume you.  Instead, look at the good you have and have had…look to the blessings you have been given…look to your friends and loved ones if you need a little extra help…look to your inner self for the love you hold within your heart to help get you through tough times…and, sometimes, a few prayers to the all mighty above can help ease the pain and help guide you more than you’ll ever really know.

Huge Hugs & Lotsa Luv to all of you, especially to those of you that are struggling and need a little extra luvs  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson

Blessings…we ALL have them

What a beautiful sunrise once again as I sit here enjoying my morning coffee working away on my laptop.  I cannot help but be Grateful for all of the many things I’ve been able to see and do, for all of the wonderful people in my life past and present and for all of the blessings I have been given………..

NO Matter what our struggles are today, tomorrow or down the road……try to remember the good things within your life, the little things that matter and mean the most and not dwell on the negatives and materialistic things that don’t really matter in the end!!  Life’s too short to be miserable and negative…..

I choose to look for the Best in People and for the Best within my own life….I choose to do my best to be a better person daily (not always easy) and I choose to enjoy as much of what life has to offer as much as possible (despite any challenges thrown my way)!!!  I know it’s Monday but I hope YOU ALL have a most wonderful day!!  Big hugs and Luv 2 U All 😊  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Wednesday, find what makes you smile…..

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!

May we all find reasons to Smile today…….. 😃

Happiness comes from within…..

Make today a Great Day because you can, because you have Greatness within you…..Find the Good within each day and within your life because there is always something good even if you have to look a little harder……

Smile more, Smile often, Smile because it looks far better than an ugly frown!!  So turn your frown upside down and make today a Great Day!!!😉😊

Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Why are frogs so happy???

Happy Happy Happy……it is yet another day and although you may not be where you want to be, you may not be doing what you want to be doing….it does NOT mean that you cannot be Happy!!

Take a deep breath, exhaaaale….repeat and tell yourself that today is going to be a Good Day and that you are going to put a Smile on Your Face!!!

Find the Positives, Find the Good within Every Day, Smile and Believe in Yourself!!! Do what Makes YOU Happy, Do whatever it takes to Succeed and Follow Your Dreams….NEVER Give Up!!!! Hope you ALL have a Positively Wonderful Day….hugs and luv from me to you!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson