Why are frogs so happy???

Happy Happy Happy……it is yet another day and although you may not be where you want to be, you may not be doing what you want to be doing….it does NOT mean that you cannot be Happy!!

Take a deep breath, exhaaaale….repeat and tell yourself that today is going to be a Good Day and that you are going to put a Smile on Your Face!!!

Find the Positives, Find the Good within Every Day, Smile and Believe in Yourself!!! Do what Makes YOU Happy, Do whatever it takes to Succeed and Follow Your Dreams….NEVER Give Up!!!! Hope you ALL have a Positively Wonderful Day….hugs and luv from me to you!!  Thanks for reading my thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Life is what WE make of it, Life is all about Choices….

Each day is only as good as we allow it to be.One Life is NOT better than the next….Life is about Choices and Choosing to be Happy and Learning to find the true Blessings within our Lives instead of dwelling on the details that often consume us and spread negativity. “WE” are ALL Blessed and have things to be Thankful for….Family & Friends, our Loved Ones…we have Awaken once again to Live Another Day, Our Blessings are Limitless if we just take a moment to realize all of the good, the positives that are in our lives. It is up to Each and Every One of Us to decide how we are going to be….NOTHING in our Life is Guaranteed, NOTHING in Life lasts forever so we might as well put a Smile on Our Faces, some Happiness in Our Hearts and make the Best of Every Single Day as best we can!!!“The one and ONLY true thing in life that we can control is Ourselves!!” Sending Much Love to You All and a Huge Hug to anyone and everyone, especially those of you that may need a little extra love today.😊 Thanks for reading my thoughts……Robin Robinson