NEVER GIVE UP on the Bucket List!!!

Something pulled me to this saying and the picture our son Wyatt took while in Rio.  This seemed like the perfect match.

Life is short no matter how long you live.  There will always be more wants and needs, more hopes and dreams that are added to the Bucket List.  Completing some and never giving up is part of how we keep our sanity.  This is how we keep looking forward to the future, how we can help ourselves stay more positive and how we live a fuller and happier life no matter what our age!!

NO matter what your struggles….NO matter what your goals, hopes or dreams….NO matter what your age….NO matter how long it takes….NEVER GIVE UP!!!  Listen and follow your heart and intuition.  It may not always be right but at least you can say you tried and have No Regrets!!  I have faith in all of you, in all of us!!!  Big Hugs & Luvs 2 U All .. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson N

Just Gotta…..

Sometimes, you just Gotta:

Gotta go with the flow…
Gotta add humor when we can…
Gotta laugh as often as possible…
Gotta look for the positives even in the darkest of days…
Gotta smile and share the beauty of them more…
Gotta learn we cannot control everything…
Gotta love the life we have and learn to make the most of every single day…
Gotta never give up on wanting more, on following our hopes & dreams…
Gotta think and move outside the box to get to somewhere else…
Gotta forgive and move forward, more for yourself than anyone else…
Gotta open your heart no matter how many times it gets hurt…
Gotta be true to yourself, this is your life to live…
Gotta reach for the positives in this negative world…
Gotta do what ya gotta do…….

Now go out and take on the day, the weeks and the months doing what YOU feel is best for you!  Try not to let the drama and negatives get you down.  Instead, look for the hidden blessing, the things in life you can be grateful for and never ever stop looking ahead to the future, to YOUR future and following your dreams!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All .. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson


Your craziness in this world =’s YOU being a little more sane…..

YO!!! WASSUP?!?! Obviously my weirdness is coming out and my quirkiness is gonna shine today!! What about you?!?!

Why be something you’re really not?!?!

Why NOT be true to yourself?!?!

Why be afraid of what others may think?!?!

Why NOT accept that not everyone is going to like or understand you?!?!

Why be like everyone else?!?!

Why NOT live a life dedicated to more of what makes you happiest?!?!

Why be uptight, a snob, judgmental and a negative nelly towards others that are different in any way, shape or form?!?!

Why NOT try to get to know people for who they really are, for whom they are on the inside or just give them a smile of kindness as you pass them by?!?!

Why be so reserved, so afraid to shine and so apprehensive of who you are or who you want to be?!?!

Why NOT say “Hello world, here I am! Like me, Love me or Hate me….I AM WHO I AM, THIS IS ME!!” And be content knowing you are being true to yourself and that anyone who cannot accept you is losing out, not you?!?!


WHY NOT!!!??!!!

“Judge not lest ye be judged”“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.… These bible verses have always stuck with me over the years as I strive to see people for WHO THEY ARE and NOT FOR WHAT THEY AREN’T and as I try to treat others as I would like to be treated!!! Hello!!!!! None of us is perfect…All of us have issues…Weird is an understatement for most but that is what makes us unique…Uniqueness is something that each of us possess…Perfect is something none of us are but that’s what makes us, us…Us as individuals are unique, wonderful, weird, awkward and 100% one of a kind!!!

I Believe In YOU, I Know You Possess Greatness, I See You For Who You Are, I Love The Crazy Unique Weird YOU, I Wholeheartedly Know YOU Can And Will Succeed In Achieving Anything You Set Your Mind To!!! The choices are YOURS, always have been and always will be…..BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, BELIEVE, ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST, IGNORE THE HATERS, RISE AND SHINE FOR WHO YOUR ARE!!! Great Big Hugs & Lotsa Luvs 2 U All ….. Thanks for Reading My Thoughts…..Robin Robinson



YOU are AMAZING….believe that!!!

Good Morning you amazing people!!  Today is another day for whatever you allow it to be.  img_20180530_054200_5338587177402818518302.jpg

YOU are a wonderful person inside and out so let yourself shine and allow others to see the real you, the amazing and exceptional YOU!

🙂Put a smile on your face and tackle the day with confidence that today will be a great day!!  YOU hold the power, YOU can do it!!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All .. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson


Beauty is only………in the bathroom?!?!?!

Is this sign trying to tell me something?!?!  I’m a bit perplexed though…… hmmmm….is the light switch suppose to be OFF or ON to find the beauty?!?  Is this beauty seen or unseen?!?!  Is any of this beauty me?!?!  LOL

img_20180601_084449_2978525089599184790297.jpgWell, my normal philosophy tells me the answer is both!!  Beauty is both seen and unseen!!  Beauty by definition per each of us is actually different……it is different because we all look at ourselves differently than others do….it is different because we each see beauty differently in our surroundings….it is different because we each see the beauty that others show us on the outside….it is different because we all see the wonderful beauty the lies within others.  What do you think?  Where does the real Beauty lie?!?!  As the old saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.

I found this in a bathroom along one of our travels.  It made me chuckle a little and also think a little as I was using the facilities in a little worn down crappy old bathroom with lots of rust, cobwebs, dirt and dinginess.  It was located between the door and mirror right above the light switch.  I hope you have a most wonderful day and I hope you can find and see the beauty within yourself, within others and not just the superficial beauty that is on the outside!!  Hugs and Luvs 2 U ALL .. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson

YOU are AWESOME!!!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Today You shall be awesome!!!!!

It’s all how you decide it shall be!!

So, put a smile on your face….decide to have a positive attitude…and decide to have a great mindset, this is a must!!

Now, GO….GO and be AWESOME!!!

Hugs & Luvs 2 U ALL .. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson


Life is complicated…
Life isn’t always easy…
Life is ever changing…
Life isn’t meant to be lived hiding from your fears…
Life is not suppose to be lived in negativity…img_20180611_162359_2452091291439991479049.jpg
Life is exactly what you make out of what you have…
Life is exactly what you make of what you’ve had…
Life is as good as you allow it to be…
Life is full of blessings as long as you open your eyes and allow yourself to see them…
Life is full of blessings if you allow your mind & heart to feel them…
Life is full of wonderful things in a negative world if you just look…

Just sending you all some positive vibes, positive thoughts and positive luvins’ to help get you through today, tomorrow….to hopefully help get you through anything you may be going through.  Be grateful, we may not be able to control everything that happens in our lives but we CAN control how we let it affect us and how we choose to look at our lives.  Huge hugs & Lotsa Luv 2 U All  … Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Positive Vibes on a Monday!!!

On this Monday morning I am sending everyone some Positive Vibes and encouragement to pay more attention to the positives in your life, to look towards what you have img_20180423_062231_8345048320093196423828.jpgto gain!!

Life is full of speed bumps.  What matters most is how we get over them and push forward on to new and better things!!  Get out of your comfort zone and try something new!!  Follow your hopes and dreams and stop worrying about what may go wrong and start concentrating on what can go right!!  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Saturday Smiles

Start your day with nothing less than a smile or two.  Did you know that one of your most beautiful/handsome assets is your smile?!?!  It is the best and most fabulous piece of wardrobe that you own!!  I hope this finds you with some love in your heart an some happiness in your soul.


If not then please accept this as a small token of my love and may it bring you a small glimmer of happiness in knowing that someone you likely do not knows cares about you!!  Now, put a smile on your face and go about your day and have a most wonderful Saturday!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U ALL  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson



There are ALWAYS positives in your Life.  Sometimes, we have to look a little harder…sometimes, we forget to look at our blessings instead of our troubles…sometimes, we don’t realize that our positives outweigh our negatives.

Change is hard…reaching your hopes, dreams & goals isn’t easy.  Everyday life can be challenging.  Our wants & needs vs. reality aren’t always the same and can be very frustrating.

img_20180125_074624_333552267999.jpgWe ALL have issues in Life, NONE of us is Exempt!!  Live your Life…..Be Happy with what you have while working towards your Hopes, Dreams & Goals…..Don’t compare your Life to others’ because You are Living Your Life and not theirs…..NEVER Give Up on Yourself…..Find the Good Within Yourself and Within Your Life…..Your Life & Your Choices are YOURS to Live so do NOT let the opinions of others stand in Your way…..Being Happy, Positive, Grateful & Thankful isn’t always easy but being miserable, negative, sad & hateful is NO way to live your life!!  Besides, no matter how bad you think your life is…..there’s ALWAYS someone worse off than you so you might as well find the Good things in your Life and Be Happy despite what everyday life throws your way!!

I hope my thoughts for today find you feeling more Thankful……Life isn’t always easy but with a few more positives and some thinking differently you can look on the brighter side of Life and find Life more bearable.  Huge Hugs & Much Luv from me 2 ALL of You especially to those that are struggling and may need a simple cyber hug.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson



Picturesque…  A picture from inside a living room looking out what appears to be a  “picture window”, but yet, it is just the living room window.  The sun was just starting to 20180402_1836597936752566796207449.jpgset and highlighted the view as the shadows were forming.  Just thought I would share some beauty… Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.  Beauty constantly surrounds us.  If you stop and take a look around you may be surprised at what you actually see once you stop long enough to look.  To look and to count your blessings.  May you all find and see the beauty that surrounds you.  Hugs and Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Count your blessing, be happier…..

Count your blessings as there’s much to be grateful for each and every day.  Look and img_20180508_054717_7072442589938413141955.jpgfind the positives that surround you and that are within your life.  Sometimes it is harder to find them but they are there, they always have been and always will be.

Happiness comes from within, smile more and laugh more often!!  Be grateful for what you have while working towards what you want.  Life is full of ups and downs but life is exactly what you make of it!!  So, make the most of each and every day.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

YOUR Life and YOUR Choices are…….

Good Morning!!  Your life and your choices are ONLY limited by the limits you set for best-good-morning-quotes-life-sayings-nobody474320488515383450.jpgyourself!🙂

Believe in yourself…..Change things if they need changed…..Get out and try new things…..Stop being afraid of the unknown…..Start living life to the fullest…..Be happier with your life and see the many blessing you already have!!

You cannot change the past……but, you most certainly have many many options for your future.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson


Fantastic Friday

Good Morning Everyone!!  Have a fantastic Friday!!  img_20180427_063045_071479634168022613527.jpg

Life is completely what you make of it, what you allow yourself to feel and be.  Happiness comes from within and it is a choice that we have each and every day.  I know that not every day is a great day, but every day we still have much to be thankful for.  Do not let the negatives consume you.

Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson


Positive Thoughts and Determination….

Positive thoughts and determination will get you farther in life then negativity and giving up….😉

Believe in yourself and your abilities.  The ONLY limitations you have in life are the ones you give yourself!!!

Now, go and take on the world and keep following your hopes & dreams…keep following and chasing the red dot.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Life is what you make of it…..

Life is what you make of it….

Life isn’t always easy but we should always try to remember our blessings, especially when times are tough.  We need to learn to put the negatives behind us and to incorporate it into our daily lives to help ourselves live a happier more positive lifeimg_20180524_065810_6173658589070153192808.jpg.

We ALL have much to be grateful for, we ALL have chances and choices so we might as well choose to make the best of them!🙂

Today is a brand new day….use it well.  Besides, tomorrow is another day if today doesn’t work out as planned but let’s just pretend that today is still the greatest “Present Day”.

Be the Best You can be….Do what makes you happy….Never give up….Stop listening to others….and live your life to the fullest!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You can and you will handle whatever life throws your way because your inner self is stronger than you realize.

We all have struggles of varying degrees but we all have the strength within us to get through them, to adapt, to endure and to lean on others when needed.

img_20180525_073006_9757878908451842070942.jpgIt’s ok to feel broken, to breakdown and cry.  But, do not dwell on the negatives, do not let sorrow consume you.  Instead, look at the good you have and have had…look to the blessings you have been given…look to your friends and loved ones if you need a little extra help…look to your inner self for the love you hold within your heart to help get you through tough times…and, sometimes, a few prayers to the all mighty above can help ease the pain and help guide you more than you’ll ever really know.

Huge Hugs & Lotsa Luv to all of you, especially to those of you that are struggling and need a little extra luvs  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson