Our eyes met 25 years ago….the love of my life.

Yes, I am weird but just wanted to give a shout out to the hubby….

25 years ago, June 18th, 1993 our eyes first met.  You said a simple “how’s it going” as you were sitting on the breakroom stairs and our eyes locked.  You had a handsome, sexy, boyish, grin with twinkling eyes.  I blushed…put my head down and went into the dairy cooler thinking to myself “what in the world was that about” as my face felt hot and I img_20180618_075802_4635790156222649520392.jpgwas virtually speechless as I all I was able to say was “good”.  Here we are 25 years later and I am still forever hooked on you….. Luv U Lots 😘😍😘
p.s. Yes, this is the exact day we met as it was my first day working at Safeway.  Yes, this is just the day we met as our first date was July 3rd and then we were inseparable after that.  Yes, I am weird but thats why ya still love me💕.  This is a date I remember as exactly 6 months later to the day we said “I do”.  Thanks for choosing me and providing me with such wonderful sons!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Your craziness in this world =’s YOU being a little more sane…..

YO!!! WASSUP?!?! Obviously my weirdness is coming out and my quirkiness is gonna shine today!! What about you?!?!

Why be something you’re really not?!?!

Why NOT be true to yourself?!?!

Why be afraid of what others may think?!?!

Why NOT accept that not everyone is going to like or understand you?!?!

Why be like everyone else?!?!

Why NOT live a life dedicated to more of what makes you happiest?!?!

Why be uptight, a snob, judgmental and a negative nelly towards others that are different in any way, shape or form?!?!

Why NOT try to get to know people for who they really are, for whom they are on the inside or just give them a smile of kindness as you pass them by?!?!

Why be so reserved, so afraid to shine and so apprehensive of who you are or who you want to be?!?!

Why NOT say “Hello world, here I am! Like me, Love me or Hate me….I AM WHO I AM, THIS IS ME!!” And be content knowing you are being true to yourself and that anyone who cannot accept you is losing out, not you?!?!


WHY NOT!!!??!!!

“Judge not lest ye be judged”“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.… These bible verses have always stuck with me over the years as I strive to see people for WHO THEY ARE and NOT FOR WHAT THEY AREN’T and as I try to treat others as I would like to be treated!!! Hello!!!!! None of us is perfect…All of us have issues…Weird is an understatement for most but that is what makes us unique…Uniqueness is something that each of us possess…Perfect is something none of us are but that’s what makes us, us…Us as individuals are unique, wonderful, weird, awkward and 100% one of a kind!!!

I Believe In YOU, I Know You Possess Greatness, I See You For Who You Are, I Love The Crazy Unique Weird YOU, I Wholeheartedly Know YOU Can And Will Succeed In Achieving Anything You Set Your Mind To!!! The choices are YOURS, always have been and always will be…..BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, BELIEVE, ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST, IGNORE THE HATERS, RISE AND SHINE FOR WHO YOUR ARE!!! Great Big Hugs & Lotsa Luvs 2 U All ….. Thanks for Reading My Thoughts…..Robin Robinson



Positive Vibes on a Monday!!!

On this Monday morning I am sending everyone some Positive Vibes and encouragement to pay more attention to the positives in your life, to look towards what you have img_20180423_062231_8345048320093196423828.jpgto gain!!

Life is full of speed bumps.  What matters most is how we get over them and push forward on to new and better things!!  Get out of your comfort zone and try something new!!  Follow your hopes and dreams and stop worrying about what may go wrong and start concentrating on what can go right!!  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Saturday Smiles

Start your day with nothing less than a smile or two.  Did you know that one of your most beautiful/handsome assets is your smile?!?!  It is the best and most fabulous piece of wardrobe that you own!!  I hope this finds you with some love in your heart an some happiness in your soul.


If not then please accept this as a small token of my love and may it bring you a small glimmer of happiness in knowing that someone you likely do not knows cares about you!!  Now, put a smile on your face and go about your day and have a most wonderful Saturday!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U ALL  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson



There are ALWAYS positives in your Life.  Sometimes, we have to look a little harder…sometimes, we forget to look at our blessings instead of our troubles…sometimes, we don’t realize that our positives outweigh our negatives.

Change is hard…reaching your hopes, dreams & goals isn’t easy.  Everyday life can be challenging.  Our wants & needs vs. reality aren’t always the same and can be very frustrating.

img_20180125_074624_333552267999.jpgWe ALL have issues in Life, NONE of us is Exempt!!  Live your Life…..Be Happy with what you have while working towards your Hopes, Dreams & Goals…..Don’t compare your Life to others’ because You are Living Your Life and not theirs…..NEVER Give Up on Yourself…..Find the Good Within Yourself and Within Your Life…..Your Life & Your Choices are YOURS to Live so do NOT let the opinions of others stand in Your way…..Being Happy, Positive, Grateful & Thankful isn’t always easy but being miserable, negative, sad & hateful is NO way to live your life!!  Besides, no matter how bad you think your life is…..there’s ALWAYS someone worse off than you so you might as well find the Good things in your Life and Be Happy despite what everyday life throws your way!!

I hope my thoughts for today find you feeling more Thankful……Life isn’t always easy but with a few more positives and some thinking differently you can look on the brighter side of Life and find Life more bearable.  Huge Hugs & Much Luv from me 2 ALL of You especially to those that are struggling and may need a simple cyber hug.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson


Attitude is Powerful in many ways…..


Your Attitude,
My Attitude,
The Attitude of Others….

Attitude is such a powerful thing in so many ways!  I could write a novel about Attitudes and possible meanings & affects based on just my opinion alone, but I will spare you.  🙂

Instead, I shall give you a few things to think on….

  1. Is your Attitude positive and uplifting or is it negative and destructive?  Why do you think that is?
  2. Is your Attitude a reflection of who you truly are and who you want to be?  Do you need to make any changes?
  3. Is your Attitude helping or hindering your personal growth and happiness?  Think on this one a bit as there may be much you do not realize about yourself and your attitude.
  4. How is your Attitude affecting others?  Is it in a good, positive, encouraging way or is it negative and discouraging and tearing them down?  Reflect on that a moment and think about how you may be affecting others both good and bad….should you try to make changes in your attitude, have you pushed others away, should you apologize and talk about any of your behavior?
  5. Are the Attitudes of others affecting you by bringing you down or lifting you up?  Think on this, make changes if needed.  Figure out why/how, especially if it is negatively affecting you.
  6. Is the Attitude of others holding you back from following your dreams, from going after what you want, for going after what you believe you deserve?  Maybe you need to reassess a few things/people.  You have this one life to life and this is YOUR life to live, mistakes and all…….Your Life, Your Choices…..do NOT allow others to stop you!

img_20180314_083144_618460885640.jpgATTITUDE is such a powerful thing in so many ways.  FOLLOW your hopes & dreams, NEVER give up, NEVER stop believing in yourself.  Take a time out whenever needed, but DO NOT allow yourself to get swallowed up by the negatives around you & within yourself!  You can make pit stops, but don’t park for too long!!

I am wishing you all the best of luck for Positive Attitudes and Positive Reinforcements to surround you!!  Believe in Yourself and your Abilities, make changes as needed!!  Great Big Hugs & Lotsa Luv from me 2 ALL of U … Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson

Words are powerful, use them wisely…..

Use your words for good, for positivity, for spreading happiness and for lifting others up instead of tearing them down!!


Before you say unkind things to someone, think…..Before you say unkind things about someone, think…..Be the difference, Make a difference…..Kindness is free to give.

May you all have a most wonderful day filled with positivity!!  You hold the power to do great things, your life your choices and I hope you use it for more positivity.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Christmas thoughts as loved ones are gone…..

It’s Christmas Eve and a time for love, laughter and happiness with a side of our loved ones, our family and friends.

I know this year will be harder for some as we have lost a few of our loved ones, I know this year may be the last one for any one of us, I know that this year may not be what any of us had planned and for others its Christmas Season per usual…it is yet another Christmas….

So take the time, the next few days to spend precious time with your loved ones, your family and friends and if that isn’t possible reach out to them and share some love and laughter over the phone, internet or even a letter via snail mail.

Take a few moment this Holiday Season to remember your loved ones whom are gone. They may be gone but they are NOT forgotten and are much missed. If you can…. talk about them, share stories of them, look at their pictures, this is how we honor them and keep a part of them alive…this is how we help share them with others…this is how we help our hearts heal and this is how we let their legacy live on with the younger generations.

So this Christmas and Christmas Eve, remember that YOU are loved. Don’t allow yourself to stay sad, grumbly or negative. There is much to be grateful for…. Remember that Christmas is about so much more… Remember that Christmas is whatever we choose to make if it….

I Luv U All very deeply no matter what our relationship or how often we talk or correspond… So, from me to all of you I am Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and I am sending the very biggest cyber hug possible, a kiss on the cheek and lots of luv Thanks for my thoughts…. Robin Robinson

A Friday hug to share…..

Good Morning and Happy Friday!!!  Sending out Great Big Cyber Hugs to anyone needing one or a few….. Sometimes, all any one of us wants or needs is just a simple hug.  Even an I Love You can make someone feel special, it can make someone realize that you do still care even if you do not see or talk all the time.


Sometimes a Hug and an I Love You will help a person get through the day!!  Maybe today you can make it a point to give someone a hug whom seems like they may need one or a few.  Tell your loved ones that you love them that haven’t heard it for awhile or even if you just said it last night, do it again anyways.  Kindness is free and so is a hug……  Hope you all have a wonderful day!!🤗 Hugs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

A simple Good Morning and Hello……


Good Morning!!  No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter wether we personally know eachother or not, no matter what your circumstances, I simply want to wish you a Good Morning and to say Hello!!  May you have a wonderful day with a few smiles, some laughter and some love in your heart because you are blessed and you are loved unconditionally!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

No matter what we face each and every day we still have the ability to make it a better day.

Patiently waiting for the sun to rise.  Too many buildings in Milwaukee, Montana was too smokey and I have missed seeing the sun rise here in Mesquite.  Good Morning Cyber Family & Friends.


I hope you have the best day you can, I hope that you are all able to stay safe and out of harms way as much as possible for those of you in areas being affected by various disasters and troubles all over the world.


No matter what we face each and every day we still have the ability to make it a better day.  We don’t have to pretend…we just need to look for the good, the positives in life and the positives that surround us.  Things may be going horribly wrong and may be very challenging but no matter what, there are always people and things to be grateful for, there is always something in life to appreciate.  No matter what we are going through it could always be worse.  So, be thankful for what you have, for what you’ve had and appreciate LIFE more as someone somewhere has worse struggles than you…..so always be thankful and grateful.  Sending you some Positive Thoughts and a Big Hugs & Luvs to You All, may you have a wonderful day.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

9-8-17 Worldwide Tragedies – Greatfulness yet a Saddened Heart – Prayers for all

I sit here on my back patio in Nevada with a grateful, yet saddened heart I feel guilty and cannot help but think, wonder, worry & scratch my head at everything that is happening all around.  I am able to sit here enjoying the beauty, the peace, the quietness and the calmness that is here as so many others cannot.  I have been through the fires that burn in Montana, I have lived through it and seen it firsthand.  We just recently drove through Montana as we were visiting and it breaks my heart to NOT see the beautiful mountains, to see all the people being affected by both the fires themselves and the smoke that surrounds so many including those not in the fires path and beyond.  We had smoke from many fires consuming the air from North Dakota to Montana and then from Montana all the way past Salt Lake City before we could no longer smell the smoke and finally got to see some beautiful blue skies.


I do not have to worry…..

I do not have to worry about the fires getting too close or the smoke inhibiting me breathing cleaner air….

I do not have to worry about my house and belongings being flooded and ruined by all the flood waters……

I do not have to worry about the hurricanes and the destruction they bring with them…..

I do not have to worry about the Tsunamis that may be showing up due to earthquakes…..

I do not have to worry like so many others do around the world…….

I am grateful to be where I am at yet deeply saddened…..  So, today and everyday when you find yourself complaining, when you find yourself upset, when you find yourself wishing you had more “things”, when you find yourself feeling as though things couldn’t possibly be any worse…..  Remember, they actually could be a LOT worse and remember that someone somewhere is dealing with more.  So, try to appreciate what you have and be grateful more……

My Thought and Prayers to EVERYONE being affected.  Big Hugs & Much Luv from me to you as today is yet another day and we all have much to be grateful for……  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

I write these words with a heavy heart for the people of our Great Country, the United States of America……

My Thoughts ~ I write these words with a heavy heart for the people of our Great Country, the United States of America.  Maybe you agree, maybe you disagree, maybe my words will make you think a little differently ~ these are my thoughts:

So much negativity and drama going on around us in this World and within our own Country.  It deeply saddens me, upsets me and disappoints me in many ways but yet I cannot live my Life with negativity and hatred, I cannot live in fear and I just cannot let it consume me.  Yet, it saddens me greatly at how it is affecting so many who don’t realize it and who thrive on the negativity and continue to push segregation from within……we are ALL Human Beings none of us is better than the other!!

I wish more people could learn to agree to disagree and yet still get along.  What has happened in the PAST is in the Past and there’s nothing anyone can do to change it, it’s our History.  You have to learn from it and move forward and attempt to make things better for yourself and those around you!!  Dwelling on the negatives of yesterday eats at your soul and draws more negative energy rather than producing positives.  Destroying parts of History and Separating ourselves from within is such a sad negative.

I completely agree that we ALL have the right to Freedom of Speech but yet when it comes to Patriotism and Respect I feel it trumps it.  There’s a time and a place for it, a positive and constructive way to do it……I would never sit down in a Court of Law when asked to rise as the judge enters, I would never stay sitting down while others stand for the Canadian Anthem or any other Country out of respect let alone my OWN County!!! Out of knowing and understanding a small fraction of our History, the Sacrifices and the Meanings behind why these have been traditions for so long, for knowing that many have made and still DO make sacrifices and that so many have and still are giving the ultimate sacrifice every day.  These Sacrifices allow us to continue to have our Freedoms, the Freedoms in which we still have today that many others around the World do not.

We ALL have a Heart, we ALL Bleed Red.  Our ethnicity, our skin color, our religious beliefs, what our ancestors did, what our parents did, what we ourselves have done in the past and who we voted for or support shouldn’t matter.  We are ALL the same on the inside.  We need to learn to get along just as we teach our kids to do with their siblings and others at school, as we even teach our dogs to get along with other dogs and cats…..why should we accept anything less from ourselves?!?!  SHAME on us all for allowing this to happen!!

In the end, in the final end we ALL die the same….our Hearts stop beating and we go cold….we go cold as our souls leave our bodies…..how does this NOT prove that we are all the same, that we are indeed equals?!?!  Stop punishing each other because of our differences and because of what happened years ago….

We should be Uniting and becoming stronger as a Nation instead of this pissing match of who’s better than whom or who’s ancestors had it worse so therefore deserve more and so on……  We are ALL human beings, we are all equals and if we started acting like equals instead of dividing ourselves like grade schoolers afraid of getting “Cooties” from the other girls or boys we would become a much stronger and happier America once again. UNITED States of America needs to stay “United”.

If you were in a car crash right in front of me and you needed help I would NOT sit idle by and just watch because YOU were of a different color or because you supported a different candidate or because you had different religious beliefs or because you were a person who Serves & Protects or even because you were a prison inmate on a transport bus who may have murdered someone!!  I would rush to your side and still help you as best I could no matter what because I have a heart, just like you do!!!  I believe we are ALL equals and deserve to be treated with Kindness, Compassion & Love no matter what the circumstances just as so many Men & Women of our Great Country do every single day in many varying capacities!!!  We don’t have to be born here, we don’t have to have the same religious or political beliefs, we don’t have to have the same skin color or same ancestry DNA to be an American, that’s what makes this Country so Great!

I am NOT writing this to start a debate or go back and forth with anyone…..this is NOT intended to start ANY arguments about different beliefs and ways of thinking.  This is MY Freedom of Speech and my thought as of late.  So Please, out of respect if you wish to leave a negative comment, wish to debate or if I simply pissed you off and you want to let me know it…..Please DON’T do it on here.  Yes, you too have Freedom of Speech rights, I’m simply requesting you address your grievances with me directly and elsewhere. Thank You….     Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson ~ a Proud American Military Mom 8-23-17

It is just another day, good or bad……

Good Morning!!  No matter what today may bring you, it is simply just another day.  So when you are struggling or when someone else is being grumpy and rude towards you remember that it is just another day and you may NOT know what their struggles are just as they likely do NOT know yours so try to be compassionate and considerate to others as there is always someone with far worse troubles than you at any given time……

  • For some, today is just another day.
  • For some today may be a little tough, tears may run and memories may overflow as they say Goodbye.
  • For some it is just another day.
  • For some it may be full of joy, laughter and good times as they say Hello.
  • For some it is just another day.


It Is Just Another Day, good or bad.  I simply want to say “Hello and Good Morning” to you ALL and I hope you have as good of a day as possible.  Big Hugs & Lots of Luv 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Let the negatives of yesterday and the past stay behind you…..

Hello hello hello!!!! 😁  What is happening today?  How is your day going?  How are you?!?!  Today is a Brand New Day…..let the negatives of yesterday and the past stay behind you!!  Each and Every Day is a new chance for YOU, for ME, for ALL of US to be Happy…to be Positive…to see the Beauty that Surrounds us…to see the Things and People we should be Grateful for…to appreciate the Things we Have instead of complaining about the things we don’t…to work towards the Things we want out of Life, our Goals, our Dreams….


Do NOT allow the negativity of the world, the negativity of those around you and the negativity that lies within drag you down!!  YOU are a Wonderful, Beautiful/Handsome person whom deserves nothing short of Happiness…you deserve to Smile More…you deserve to see the Good In Life…you deserve Positivity…you deserve to Succeed…you deserve to be Happy!!!  The Choice is Yours and Yours alone to Choose how to be…to Choose how you let life affect you…to Choose your attitude…to Choose who you surround yourself with…to Choose your Own Path in Life no matter how many times it may change!!

No One is Perfect…. We ALL have our own imperfections!!  Make the Choice to be more Positive in Life, to see the Good in Others, to see the Good Within Your Life no matter what Negativity may be going.  There are always things/people to be Grateful for!!  BE HAPPY, SMILE MORE OFTEN, BE POSITIVE!!  May you have a most wonderful day today followed by tomorrow and the next!!  Keep your chin up and find the people and things that make you Happy, Follow your Hopes & Dreams and NEVER Give Up..NEVER Give In!!!  A GREAT Big Hug from me to you….Luv 2 U All  ….  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts………Robin Robinson

Life…Precious Life is taken for Granted by us all! Hug your loved ones, say “I Love You” and Live with NO Regrets…. (Words today from a heavy heart.)

~Time goes by…words go unsaid…arguments go unsettled…forgiveness and agreeing to disagree doesn’t always happen despite the love that is still between you…hugs and I Love You’s fade away because you think they’ll always be there or because you’re too stubborn and think it shows weakness…many words go unspoken that would heal your heart and possibly there’s as well…things go unsaid because you just assume they already know how special they are and that you assume they know you love them because you do……

~Life…Life is all too often taken for granted by us ALL!!!  Hug your babies tight and often…tell your parents or those that raised you that they are special and that you appreciate all the sacrifices they have endured…tell your friends and family how much they mean to you as it is often them whom you lean on and look to for guidance off and on throughout the years and vice versa…tell your spouse or significant other I Love You everyday followed by a kiss or two whenever possible…..


~NO REGRETS…. Live with NO REGRETS towards your Loved Ones!  I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it…”regrets just eat away at your heart and soul”.  Fix the Wrongs…..Mend the Hearts…..Say I’m Sorry…..Forgive for yourself.  DON’T Leave the words or actions for tomorrow, next week or for another time because NOW may be the Last chance you have!!  I myself am guilty of all of the above, just as we all are whether we realize it or not.  Forgiving and trying to mend a relationship isn’t weakness, it isn’t giving in to them, it isn’t saying you were wrong or right it is simply just attempting to fix a piece of your heart.  It actually takes great courage and we are often actually afraid of rejection, of what someone may say or how they will react but as long as you try…as long as you truly did your best then at least you tried.  As long as you know in your heart you did your best there’s NO Regrets on your end regardless of the outcome!!  You can have piece of mind instead of regrets and I wish I had’s……..

~LIFE can be gone in the blink of an eye, you or you’re loved one may be gone and you didn’t get to tell them that you truly care, that you love them despite any issues of the past, you didn’t get to say I Love You or give them a hug from the hears…….NO REGRETS!! Love to me is unconditional because none of us is perfect, we all have issues from time to time and often we take some of our own issues out on the ones we love and push them away without meaning to…LIVE WITH NO REGRETS TOWARDS YOUR LOVED ONES!!!  I LUV U…Each and Every One of You even if we have never met!!!  Sending Big Hugs & Much Luv 2 You ALL, especially those whom have recently lost a loved one…. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

You are You..”I am Me, like me or hate me it your choice…I am ME!”

“I am Me, like me or hate me it your choice…I am ME!”
All too often “WE” just want to be accepted….”WE” want people to like us….”WE” want people to believe that we are someone who we really are NOT just to fit in so we pretend to be someone else….but why?!?!  Why live a lie?!?!  Why not be yourself in the beginning, what is wrong with the real you?!?!  Isn’t it easier to be yourself than to live a lie?!?!  I personally think it’s exhausting and too complicated to be anyone else other than ME!  Why do so many people feel they have to be accepted?!?!


True Family and Friends will accept the “Real You”, they will Love YOU for who you really are and NOT who you try be, NOT who you think they want you to be.  They will like the real “YOU and ONLY YOU”!!!!  Do NOT pretend to be someone else, allow yourself to be True to Yourself and to others.  Those that truly matter and care for you will LOVE the “Real You”……..BE WHO YOU ARE, BE the person that you yourself can be proud of, BE the person YOU want to be……people will always love you and hate you but the only way to truly know is to BE Yourself!!  I for one Luv U for U, both inside and out!!  There is good in all of us and I LUV U for U so today I share a huge cyber hug, a smile and lots of luvins’ for anyone whom needs one!! Be True to Yourself, if You Love Yourself Others Will Too!! 🙂 Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Happy Father’s Day to the Wonderful Men whom…..

Happy Father’s Day to ALL of the wonderful Men whom are playing the important role of “Father” regardless if biological or not.  Being a Father or Father Figure is equally important and it takes a good man to fill the shoes of Fatherhood.

You are looked up to, you are asked for advice, you are caregiver, you are a role model, you are more than you’ll ever know!!  Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s, Grandpas, Uncles, Brothers and anyone whom plays the Father Role…you are all important!! Happy Father’s Day!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Remembering our Fallen Soldiers this Memorial Day 2017

The True meaning behind Memorial Day is to remember our “Fallen Soldiers”……this brings tears to my eyes but joy to my heart as these Soldiers are here at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center having beers with their Fallen Brothers from the Iraqi War……

I did not want to bother them but felt I needed to capture the moment as this is just one small way to remember and honour their Brothers in Arms…….USMC

There are numerous tributes to our fallen Soilders of every Branch that will NEVER be enough compared to their Ultimate Sacrifice but it is OUR duty as United States Citizens to Remember Them, Honor Them & to Teach our Youth about Them and their Sacrifices……Gone But NOT Forgotten!!!

I know that as a mother of 3 ….Navy, Air Force & a Marine I get choked up during the National Anthem and anything Military related!!  I was lucky enough to have my Father return home from Vietnam but many others did not make it.  THANK YOU to all of the Men & Women whom have paid the ultimate sacrifice!! God Bless You and May You Rest In Peace…….Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……….Robin Robinson