Positive Thoughts and Determination….

Positive thoughts and determination will get you farther in life then negativity and giving up….😉

Believe in yourself and your abilities.  The ONLY limitations you have in life are the ones you give yourself!!!

Now, go and take on the world and keep following your hopes & dreams…keep following and chasing the red dot.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

We all travel a different road…

img_20180521_084058_9093722598745542111911.jpgNever give up…..

Push forward no matter how hard it may be, no matter how discouraged you may get.

It is up to YOU and your Inner Self to get it done!  I believe in you and your abilities.

Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson



Life is what you make of it…..

Life is what you make of it….

Life isn’t always easy but we should always try to remember our blessings, especially when times are tough.  We need to learn to put the negatives behind us and to incorporate it into our daily lives to help ourselves live a happier more positive lifeimg_20180524_065810_6173658589070153192808.jpg.

We ALL have much to be grateful for, we ALL have chances and choices so we might as well choose to make the best of them!🙂

Today is a brand new day….use it well.  Besides, tomorrow is another day if today doesn’t work out as planned but let’s just pretend that today is still the greatest “Present Day”.

Be the Best You can be….Do what makes you happy….Never give up….Stop listening to others….and live your life to the fullest!!  Hugs & Luvs 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You are Strong…Be Strong…Stay Strong…

You can and you will handle whatever life throws your way because your inner self is stronger than you realize.

We all have struggles of varying degrees but we all have the strength within us to get through them, to adapt, to endure and to lean on others when needed.

img_20180525_073006_9757878908451842070942.jpgIt’s ok to feel broken, to breakdown and cry.  But, do not dwell on the negatives, do not let sorrow consume you.  Instead, look at the good you have and have had…look to the blessings you have been given…look to your friends and loved ones if you need a little extra help…look to your inner self for the love you hold within your heart to help get you through tough times…and, sometimes, a few prayers to the all mighty above can help ease the pain and help guide you more than you’ll ever really know.

Huge Hugs & Lotsa Luv to all of you, especially to those of you that are struggling and need a little extra luvs  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts….Robin Robinson