Tossing and Turning… it exercise?!

Tossing and Turning…..Tossing and Turning, shouldn’t it be considered exercise?!??  LoL  GOOD MORNING once again as Morning is here wether we like it or not!!

Personally, I would rather be sound asleep dreaming of happy things and all nicely tucked under the covers but unfortunately my brain, body and bladder have other ideas!!  Oh well, might as well start my day with a smile, a positive attitude and some coffee!!  I shall sit outside and watch the sunrise once again….. Good Morning and I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!! Hugs & Luvs  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Everything is going to be okay, we cannot control everything.

Sometimes, we all need a reminder that everything is going to be okay and that we cannot control everything.  Life just Happens, good and bad.  We are affected differently, we all have different issues and worries but we all have the Power within us to Choose how we let Life affect us each and every day.  It isn’t always easy to be happy or to see the positives and it isn’t always easy to put on a smile.


Once we decide we’ve had enough….once we decide being miserable, angry and sad all the time isn’t the way to be….once we decide we want to enjoy life more no matter what….once we decide to look at the positives….once we decide we want to be happier….once we choose to see what we should be more grateful for….once we Choose to control how we respond to Life’s ups and downs it becomes easier to accept the Craziness that constantly surrounds us.  We may not be able to control what’s going on around us but we most certainly CAN control how we let it affect us. 

I know, I know, here she goes again with more of her ramblings, lol.  I just cannot help myself sometimes.  Maybe my random thoughts and writing will help someone, someday,….maybe my writing has already helped someone.  My writing may just be words but they have always helped me and reminded me of how I want to be and how I can help myself better myself.  My writing has helped me along the way throughout the years as a reminder of not just thinking, saying or writing these things but as a reminder to try and live life better and happier by doing, trying and attempting to worry less, by attempting to stress less and to just live my life better, happier and more sanely (if that’s even possible as we all know I’m a bit of a weirdo,lol)!!  I try to look at things differently because I feel Life is far too short to be Angry, Sad, Jealous, Bitter, Miserable and Worried about what others think all the time.


We have this one glorious life to live so why not enjoy it to the fullest and stop waisting our precious time and energy on things/people that don’t really matter?!?!  These are my thoughts this morning as I have been enjoying a beautiful sunrise in the desert.  Hugs & Luvs 2 U ALL, may we ALL find more of our inner peace and strength.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

A simple Good Morning and Hello……


Good Morning!!  No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter wether we personally know eachother or not, no matter what your circumstances, I simply want to wish you a Good Morning and to say Hello!!  May you have a wonderful day with a few smiles, some laughter and some love in your heart because you are blessed and you are loved unconditionally!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Positivity in the Morning is better than being Negative!!

I just cannot help myself….some Positivity in the morning just seems so much better than being negative!!  Good Morning!!  May today bring you some smiles and laughter and may you have a wonderful Wednesday from start to finish!!


If you struggle today and are having a hard time….take a few minutes to yourself, take some deep breaths, relax and clear your mind and think happy thoughts.  Think of the people and things that make you smile, think about what you have to be thankful for.  Remember that the negatives don’t last unless you allow them to.  Your Attitude and Your Reactions are YOUR Choice…..Choose how to let life affect you….  Most things in life are temporary so, is it really worth having a bad day because you choose to dwell on the negatives rather than rise above and look for the good?!?!  Happy Wednesday everyone and I hope YOU Choose to have a Great Day!!  Big Hugs & Luvs from Me 2 U 😊  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Start the Morning with a Smile and Thankfulness…..

Starting the Morning with a Smile and Thankfulness.  It is yet another day…..what happened yesterday is in the past….heck, whatever happened 20 minutes ago is even in the past…..the Past is the Past and there is NOTHING any of us can do to erase, change or alter it in any way.  We ALL make mistakes, we ALL have things happen within our lives that changes things, we ALL go through Love and Heartaches of various kinds….we are ALL human and process and deal with everything differently.


Do NOT allow yourself to be swallowed up by the negatives in life, by what has happened in the past, by whatever mistakes you have made, by whatever you have had to endure.  Have Thankfulness in your Heart that you have yet another day……..YOU, ME, WE….WE all have a Choice each and every day so today, tomorrow and every day make the Choices, Changes and take the Chances that make you Happy and help you move forward.  Happiness comes from within and no one can “make” you Happy except Yourself!!

No matter what you are going through,

No matter what you have been through,

No matter what your struggles are inward and out,

No matter what….Find Thankfulness…Find the things in life you have to be grateful for.

No matter what….Find what makes you Happy.

You are better than you think and You have the Power Within to make any changes needed.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Why am I so weird and why do I always find humor and silliness within myself and around me?!?!?!

I think Mesquite and Milwaukee are a little backwards and Mother Nature may be off her Rocker!!   A couple of days ago as I attempted to sit outside the wind picked up and it became a bit chilly.  All I want to do was sit out and enjoy the sunshine in my shorts, tank top and bare feet, I did NOT want to enjoy the sunshine in sweats, jacket and wool socks!!!  LoL


Although it isn’t real cold as it was 57* and breezy and I’ve been in far colder weather as I’ve lived in Washington, Montana and British Columbia so I’ve been in COLD weather…..but, Mesquite has NOT been cooperating to my standards since I’ve been back!! LoL 😂 Oh boy….maybe I just need more sleep as I think I’m laughing and smiling at myself and my thoughts WAY too much lately, but yet…is it really just me being me and normal or am I just realizing I’m even weirder than I realized?!?!😜🤓  LOL  If you cannot have fun in this crazy world and laugh at yourself, your thoughts, your situations that may not even be situations than are you still a happy person?!?!  I am weird and I know this, I look at things differently and I try to be and try to always stay positive, I also try to bring out happiness, smiles, laughter and positivity in others as well….I just want us to ALL be Happy no matter what our situations, circumstances or pedigree…. We all deserve some Happiness within our lives even if it only some of the small things.  Why am I so wierd and find humor and silliness within myself and around me?!?!?! Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Monday Morning Reminder….

Awe….Monday once again.  Today is as good as you make it and allow it to be!!  Monday is just another day so make it great, make it a happy day in a negative world.  Here is a Monday Morning Reminder that you are absolutely Amazing and can handle anything and everything thrown your way!!


Sending you all some wonderful positive vibes on this Monday!! May you have a great day and may you find reasons to smile and reasons to laugh no matter how the day around you is going!! 😃  Live, Laugh, Love and look for the good in every day!!  Sending extra hugs to anyone needing one and lots of luvins’ to you all!!! 🤗  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

A Desert Walk and Random Thoughts…..

A desert walk…….partially sleep deprived but a much needed walk….


If you look hard enough you will realize how blessed you truly are…..  Everyday is a new day, feel the love and warmth within your heart.  Sometimes, a simple walk or just getting out and doing something alone can help you appreciate more….. Find your Happiness, Find the Simple Pleasures in Life and Find what it takes to help you succeed in Life and Follow Your Dreams no matter what they may be and no matter what your age!!  Good Luck  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

One of those days…..

Uh Oh….it’s gonna be one of those days!!!  Watch out because Mrs. Sweet and Innocent is feeling a bit spunky already this morning!!  Insert big smile with a side of heavy sarcasm…….


Why not enjoy every day, why not try to find humor in your every day life, why not have some fun along the way?!?!  YOU and ONLY YOU can choose how you let life affect you……we have this one life to live, today will never come again so Live Life to the Fullest and find what makes you Happy!! 🙂  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Goodnight…..sweet and pleasant dreams

Good night…..


Be honest…how many of you were singing silently in your head at the end?!??  I was and I even heard the Macarena music and vocals in the background within my head!! LoL 😂 Good Night Ya’ll…sweet and pleasant dreams and may you all wake in the morning refreshed and ready to take on yet another day!! 😴  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

When you arise in the morning…..


A Precious Privilege……yes, that is what our lives are more than most realize.  Today only comes once, so make the best of it.  We ALL have our share of issues and struggles but they do NOT define us……Choose to see the Positives that Surround you and that you have within your Life, see the Blessings you really have rather than dwell on the negatives!!  Your Attitude is Your Choice, so Choose Wisely and Choose to Be Happy… have it within you and YOU deserve nothing less than Happiness!!  Sending you all some Positive Vibes to help get you throught the day and a Great Big Hug & Much Love to all that may need a little extra.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson

Happy Friday….find the good….

Good Morning!!!  It’s as dark as could be once again with the stars shining brightly, no sunrise in sight just yet as my young old age keeps waking me WAY too early!!  It was a cool 59* this morning at 4:50am.


Happy Friday and may you all have a most wonderful day!!  Today is going to be GREAT because you are going to find the good in it, you shall smile and laugh a little extra and you shall realize how truly blessed you are!!  Choose to be happier and choose how you shall react to the negatives of every day!!  Happy Friday Everyone!!  Big Hugs & Lots of Love to you all ….. Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

Morning Mishap, again but it made me chuckle

Good Morning!!  I do believe that sometimes, no matter what the day or hour that sometimes…..maybe I should just stay in bed.  LoL.  Can anyone spot what’s wrong in this picture?!?!


I’ll give you a hint….one cup is for coffee & creamer and the other is for water.  YUP, I poured some milk into my partial glass of water instead of the coffee cup as I was trying to add a little more milk and coffee!!  LoL 😂  So…..half full, half empty…wide awake, partially asleep…I do believe it’s just me being me!!   Still shaking my head and laughing at myself!!🤣  May you all have a wonderful morning without Milk in your Water!!  GoOd MoRnInG!!!  Sometimes in Life we just have to laugh at ourselves, we just have to go with it and find the humor in order to keep our sanity!!  This sort of thing is very typical for me when I am in a hurry, when I am stressing, when I am upset and sometimes it just happens to give me a chickle I do believe!!  Find the humor in Every Single Day, it makes Life easier to deal with!!  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…..Robin Robinson

No matter what we face each and every day we still have the ability to make it a better day.

Patiently waiting for the sun to rise.  Too many buildings in Milwaukee, Montana was too smokey and I have missed seeing the sun rise here in Mesquite.  Good Morning Cyber Family & Friends.


I hope you have the best day you can, I hope that you are all able to stay safe and out of harms way as much as possible for those of you in areas being affected by various disasters and troubles all over the world.


No matter what we face each and every day we still have the ability to make it a better day.  We don’t have to pretend…we just need to look for the good, the positives in life and the positives that surround us.  Things may be going horribly wrong and may be very challenging but no matter what, there are always people and things to be grateful for, there is always something in life to appreciate.  No matter what we are going through it could always be worse.  So, be thankful for what you have, for what you’ve had and appreciate LIFE more as someone somewhere has worse struggles than you… always be thankful and grateful.  Sending you some Positive Thoughts and a Big Hugs & Luvs to You All, may you have a wonderful day.  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

It is a beautiful day because YOU make it beautiful…..

Good Morning!!  It is yet another beautiful day….it is a beautiful day because YOU make it beautiful!! 😊


It is a beautiful day because you choose to let it be and choose to see it as a beautiful day.  Today is also a beautiful day because YOU make it beautiful, you are a beautiful person, you have a beautiful soul, you have inner beauty far better than anyone can see and more beauty than you yourself allow you to feel.  YOU are Beautiful…..  Lots of Hugs & Much Luvin’s from me to You…..  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts…….Robin Robinson

Experience, Experiment, Expectations…. Exp.+Exp.+Exp.=’s whatever you allow it to equal

GOOD MORNING!!! Here’s a picture/saying to get your brain thinking this morning.


Life is most definitely full of expectations, experiences and experimenting……  Never give up, always push forward and never ever stop dreaming and setting new goals for yourself!!  Don’t just live your live, LIVE YOUR LIFE!! 😃 Don’t let the worries of yesterday and the little things in life that don’t really matter in the long run drag you down.  You are better than that and you deserve more but YOU have to decide to Live Your Life and YOU have to decide to make the changes from your own life experiences, your life expectations and your life’s experiments…….

Life shouldn’t be about what you have materialistically but what you hold in your Heart, about how you’ve Lived Your Life, and about how you’ve Enjoyed the Ride Leaving Behind NO Regrets, Just Lessons Learned.  Do more of what makes you happy…. Exp.+Exp.+Exp.  Much Luv and Great Big Hugs from me to you….  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

9-8-17 Worldwide Tragedies – Greatfulness yet a Saddened Heart – Prayers for all

I sit here on my back patio in Nevada with a grateful, yet saddened heart I feel guilty and cannot help but think, wonder, worry & scratch my head at everything that is happening all around.  I am able to sit here enjoying the beauty, the peace, the quietness and the calmness that is here as so many others cannot.  I have been through the fires that burn in Montana, I have lived through it and seen it firsthand.  We just recently drove through Montana as we were visiting and it breaks my heart to NOT see the beautiful mountains, to see all the people being affected by both the fires themselves and the smoke that surrounds so many including those not in the fires path and beyond.  We had smoke from many fires consuming the air from North Dakota to Montana and then from Montana all the way past Salt Lake City before we could no longer smell the smoke and finally got to see some beautiful blue skies.


I do not have to worry…..

I do not have to worry about the fires getting too close or the smoke inhibiting me breathing cleaner air….

I do not have to worry about my house and belongings being flooded and ruined by all the flood waters……

I do not have to worry about the hurricanes and the destruction they bring with them…..

I do not have to worry about the Tsunamis that may be showing up due to earthquakes…..

I do not have to worry like so many others do around the world…….

I am grateful to be where I am at yet deeply saddened…..  So, today and everyday when you find yourself complaining, when you find yourself upset, when you find yourself wishing you had more “things”, when you find yourself feeling as though things couldn’t possibly be any worse…..  Remember, they actually could be a LOT worse and remember that someone somewhere is dealing with more.  So, try to appreciate what you have and be grateful more……

My Thought and Prayers to EVERYONE being affected.  Big Hugs & Much Luv from me to you as today is yet another day and we all have much to be grateful for……  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Struggles are Real….don’t let them ruin your happiness.

Good morning…just thought I’d share these 7 Lovely Logics.  I’ve been a bit silent lately, well at least silent towards all of you but I’ve been very busy inside my head as I’ve had great thoughts, bright ideas, I’ve solved a lot of problems and I’ve even had great posting ideas all thought out!!  The ONLY problem is is that I cannot remember any of the brilliance that has taken place as I was driving alone for a few days with only the thoughts in my head and didn’t want to attempt to write, text or even voice text while I was driving so my brilliance has become short lived….once again!!  But, I swear there were some awesomely awesome thoughts and ideas!! 😂 LoL


We all have struggles, it’s okay… NOT let your struggles ruin your happiness!!  We all have struggles…..but, when we decide to love a little more and choose to stop worrying so much about the past, when we stop worrying so much about the “what if’s”, when we stop worrying about what others might say or think, when we just realize that “life happens” good or bad and that we cannot control the majority of it but discover and realize that we CAN control ourselves and how we let it affect us Life Becomes Easier, Life Becomes Happier, Life Becomes More Loveable, Life Becomes More Meaningful…..

No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter what you’re struggles……YOU still deserve to have as good of a day as possible!!  May you ALL have a most wonderful day!!  Great Big Hugs & Lots of Luv … Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Go to bed with happiness in your heart.

Just a thought….a happy thought or two as bedtime has arrived.  Before you fall fast asleep think of the things that you have within your life to be grateful for….think of the things that make you happy….think of the things that make you smile.  Go to bed with happiness in your heart.


Goodnight to you all and pleasant dreams….. Big Hugs & Lots of Love from me to you…  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

Friday Dare…..try to be less negative and more positive….I Dare You!!

Trying to help you start your day off with a Smile and some positive thoughts, plus it being Friday might help too!!  There’s so much negativity and drama constantly surrounding us….but, with the desire for better WE can choose, WE can decide and WE can change some of it little by little within our own lives and the lives of others around us by simply choosing to be happier!!  Ya ya, you may be thinking this sounds impossible, what can you, just one person do? But….ALL things are possible especially as more people join in!!

Would you prefer to contribute and spread negativity, drama, hatred & bitterness or would you prefer to contribute and spread love, smiles, laughter, positivity, encouragement & happiness?!?!  The decision is yours.  Sometimes, despite our right to Freedom of Speech it is better to bite our tongue and take the higher road if we cannot say anything nice, positive and to simply avoid contributing to the negative fuel of others especially those whom will never listen to different points of views objectively.  Sometimes, we should choose to save and share some of our words and thoughts with those we can have a constructive conversation with rather than a destructive one.


Ya ya, blah blah blah…..but, if I can ever make you smile, laugh or feel better about yourself in any way with what I write then that makes me smile and proves one person can make a difference even if only briefly.😃  You never know who’s day you may improve by simply being nice, by simply being positive, by simply sharing a smile with, YOU may be what someone needs to brighten their day!!  Take a chance and try less negativity and drama, try to look for the positives within your life and that surrounds you…..I Dare You!!  You might be surprised at how it improves your Life as well.  Big Hugs & Much Luv 2 U All  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……..Robin Robinson