Old/Young Age, Bad Dream & Humor……

Restlessness, tossing & turning…..UGH!!  Not again!!!  After laying there awhile shuffling the sheets attempting to get comfy cozy in order to fall back asleep I finally looked at clock, it was almost 2am!!  “Nope!!”  I tell myself, “NOT time to get up & NOT time for cell phone or Facebook!! GO BACK TO SLEEEEEP!!!”  I attempt to tell this to myself over and over but just cannot shake the weird bad dream that wasn’t too bad as it could’ve been worse but yet it was still a bad dream!!  LOL


So, now as it is 3am….I am on my phone posting this in hopes that by requesting that “Everyone stop dreaming of me” ….I am hoping that with this request I shall be able to once again fall back into a nice slumber and NOT wake up till at least 5:00am….oooh, how about sleeping in even more?!?!  I think sleeping in a little more would be great…so how about let’s push it to 5:45am instead?!?!  LoL  Sweet & Peaceful Dreams here I come…..Zzzzzzzz  Thanks for Reading my Thoughts……Robin Robinson

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